Brunello Cucinelli

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Brunello Cucinelli (born September 23, 1953 in Castel Rigone , a district of Passignano sul Trasimeno , Perugia , Italy ) is an Italian fashion designer , entrepreneur and philanthropist .


Cucinelli grew up in a rural, poverty-stricken environment in Umbria . Back then, his parents' house had no electricity, sewerage or water connection. At the age of 24 he left engineering school without a degree and devoted himself to studying the ancient philosophers. He then turned to the manufacture of knitwear and was successful with his brightly colored cashmere wool products .

In 1978, Cucinelli founded Brunello Cucinelli SpA, a public limited company, and moved it to the Solomeo Castle, which he acquired in 1985, near his home . The company employs around a thousand small family businesses that work to order and are based in the Solomeo area. Up to 20% of the profits of the joint-stock company are brought into a foundation that, for example, has converted fallow industrial areas back into arable land and areas for growing wine and olives in recent years after recultivating the soil.

The joint stock company has been listed on the Milan Stock Exchange in the FTSE Italia Mid Cap since 2012 and was weighted there at 1.17% on March 3, 2015. In 2012 it was oversubscribed 18 times by potential investors. In the first quarter of 2015, it recorded sales of € 111 million.

Cucinelli is married and has two daughters. He lives in a villa with an extensive library and holds numerous offices. B. for the fourth time president of the Teatro Stabile dell'Umbria, since 1998 councilor of the Fondazione Altagamma and academic member of the Accademia di Belle Arti "Pietro Vannucci".

Awards (selection)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Short portrait on the website of the Federazione Nazionale dei Cavalieri del Lavoro , accessed on March 17, 2016 (Italian).
  2. To Louis Lewitan's question : “How did you fight your way out of the poverty of your childhood and youth?” Brunello Cucinelli replied: “It all began on the farm with the fear of death and of not having enough money. That is why my big goal in life became for me: do not cause harm, do not harm people, animals or the environment. That's how I came up with cashmere sweaters. ”- “ My classmates laughed at me. ”Brunello Cucinelli is successful as an entrepreneur because he never forgot the poverty of his childhood. An interview by Louis Lewitan. In: ZEIT-MAGAZIN . No. 12, March 10, 2016, category: That was my rescue, ISSN  2190-9903 , p. 62 (accessed on April 21, 2016; series online , accessed on March 17, 2016).
  3. [Levitan]: “What helped you to go your way?” - [Cucinelli]: “I feel emotionally connected to the great men of history: Kant , Rousseau , Alexander the Great , Dante and Mark Aurel . You taught me how to deal with life crises and encouraged me to think as a protector. Life taught me to understand their thoughts. Philosophy and theology should play a bigger role in our lives. ” ZEIT-MAGAZIN. No. 12, March 10, 2016, p. 62.
  4. “Umbria is known for knitwear. I wanted a material that was virtually immortal. Cashmere will last for decades if cared for properly. The first year we sold our first 53 sweaters, I felt like Alexander the Great. ”Cucinelli. In: ZEIT-MAGAZIN. No. 12, March 10, 2016, p. 62.
  5. The Kashmir Capitalist. In: FAZ . June 19, 2015, ISSN  0174-4909 , p. 24.