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Bualadubh is a cottage on the Scottish Hebridean island of South Uist . In 1980 the building was included in the Scottish List of Monuments in the highest category A.


The cottage probably dates from the 19th century. It is privately owned and has been vacant since the death of its last resident, Ms. Johnstone. In 1998 it was entered on the Register of Endangered Listed Structures in Scotland. At that time the thatched roof was in poor condition and was partially covered with tarpaulin. In the same year a new roof structure was put on and sealed with roofing felt. Bualadubh has since been described as weatherproof and habitable, but has remained uninhabited. Its condition is considered to be good with little risk to the building fabric.


The building is located in the north of the island on a side road of the A865 . It is a one-story elongated cottage typical of the Isle of Skye . The symmetrically constructed front faces east. The central entrance door is flanked by two lattice windows. There is a window on each of the remaining sides of the building. The massive masonry consists of quarry stone and is rounded at the edges of the building. Two simple chimneys protrude on the short sides. The thatched roof has given way to a roof structure with roofing felt. The outer walls are partially decorated with shells, which were probably installed by the last resident.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Listed Building - Entry . In: Historic Scotland .
  2. a b entry on buildingsatrisk.org.uk

Web links

Coordinates: 57 ° 23 '31.5 "  N , 7 ° 20' 53.2"  W.