Buck Angel

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Buck Angel

Buck Angel (* 5 June 1962 as Susan Butch in Yucatan , Mexico ) is a transsexual American porn actor and director of pornographic films. His own productions are known under the collective term Man with a pussy .


  • 2003: The Adventures of Buck Naked
  • 2004: The Adventures of Buck Naked 2 'Bucks Fantasies'
  • 2005: Big Boob Adventures
  • 2006: Buck Angel's V for Vagina
  • 2006: The Buck Stops Here
  • 2007: Buckback Mountain


  • 2007: AVN Award : Trans-sexual Performer of the Year
  • 2008: Nominations for Buckback Mountain (2007), GayVN Award "Best Alternative Release" and "Best Specialty Release"
  • 2015: PorYes Award

Web links

Commons : Buck Angel  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Buck Angel at iafd.com
  2. IMDB nomination for the GayVN Award