Representation of the federal interests of gay seniors

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The Federal Interest Representation for Gay Seniors eV (BISS for short) is a nationwide professional association for the interests and self-help of older gays. Membership is open to non-profit organizations and groups as well as supporting individual members. The association includes organizations from the field of gay senior work, education and AIDS work as well as committed personalities from the gay emancipation movement, including the German AIDS Help , the Magnus Hirschfeld Center Hamburg and the Academy Waldschlösschen Foundation .


The advocacy group was founded on July 1, 2015, particularly against the background of the pending rehabilitation and compensation of the victims in accordance with Section 175 StGB. The main tasks include the networking of gay senior groups and associations of gay self-help as well as political lobbying to strengthen the participation of older gays.

State Secretary Ralf Kleindiek from the Federal Ministry for Family, Seniors, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ) made clear in a speech at the BISS annual conference in November 2016 the importance of the topics covered by BISS and assured BISS the support of the Federal Government.

The BMFSFJ has funded BISS as follows:

  • 2015: 49,817 euros
  • 2016: 70,973 euros
  • 2017: 50,000 euros

Projects and topics

  • Compensation and rehabilitation of the victims of § 175 after 1945:
With the “Open Bill” campaign and an open letter to Federal Minister of Justice Heiko Maas , the Federal Interest Representation for Gay Seniors e. V. 2016 offered the rehabilitation and compensation of gay men who were convicted according to § 175 (Federal Republic) or § 151 (GDR). In a statement requested by the Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection on the draft bill of the Rehabilitation Act, BISS underpinned the demands for compensation and rehabilitation.
  • Participation and participation:
Politics, administration and associations should be asked to take into account the concerns of the groups that have not been represented so far, including those of gay men. The special life paths of older gays should be taken into account and precarious life situations such as poverty in old age, loneliness, illness and loss or restricted mobility should be taken into account.
In order to represent the interests of older gay men, BISS has a seat in the specialist working group “Gays and other MSM” of Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e. V. received.
  • Care and supply:
BISS supports the expansion of culturally sensitive offers for gay men in open, outpatient and inpatient care for the elderly.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. BISS Articles of Association. (PDF) Retrieved March 10, 2017 .
  2. Gay men: with BISS into old age! In: German AIDS Help . July 2, 2015, accessed March 10, 2017 .
  3. Association for gay seniors founded. Retrieved March 10, 2017 .
  4. Gays with BISS. Retrieved March 10, 2017 .
  5. Dr. Ralf Kleindiek congratulates the federal interest group for gay seniors on founding In: Federal Ministry for Family, Seniors, Women and Youth July 1, 2015
  6. Axel Schröder: BISS Federal Congress: Gay - and the old problems In: Deutschlandfunk November 1, 2016
  7. Dr. Ralf Kleindiek attends BISS annual conference In: Federal Ministry for Family, Seniors, Women and Youth November 1, 2016
  8. Answer of the Federal Government to the small question of the MPs Jörn Wunderlich , Nicole Gohlke , Katja Kipping , other MPs and the parliamentary group Die Linke , October 21, 2016
  10. ^ Opinion on the draft bill of the Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection. (PDF) In: December 21, 2016, accessed March 14, 2017 .
  11. Care and supply. Federal interest group for gay seniors, accessed on March 10, 2017 .