Federal Conference of Lecturers at Music Colleges

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The Federal Conference of Lecturers at Music Universities (bklm) is a German interest group that takes care of the situation of lecturers at German music universities.

Origin and history

On 22./23. January 2011 the association was founded at the 1st Federal Conference in the Frankfurt / Main University of Music. 19 representatives from 24 conservatoires were present. The invitation was accepted by Carmen Ludwig (Vice President of the GEW Hessen), Dirk Hewig (Vice President of the DTKV), Andreas Bausdorf ( Vice President of the DOV) and Lutz Felbick (Gesellschaft für Musiktheorie AG LB). The following were elected as speakers at this 2011 federal conference: Evelyn Wentz (HfMDK Frankfurt) and Friedemann Immer (HfMT Cologne). Ulrike Höfer (HfM Freiburg) were elected as representatives ; Carola Schlueter (HfMDK Frankfurt); Karola Theill (HfM Hanns Eisler and HMT Rostock) and Eckhart Hermann (HfMT Munich). Further national conferences followed on October 29-30, 2011 at the Hanns Eisler University of Music in Berlin, on October 27, 2012 at the Cologne University of Music and on October 26-27, 2013 at the Trossingen University of Music.

Coordination of the German music academies

The 24 German music universities are institutions of the federal states and are coordinated nationwide by the rectors' conference of the music universities. On April 29, 2011, a conversation between Werner Heinrichs (Chairman of the Rectors' Conference of German Music Universities in the HRK), Friedemann Immer and Evelyn Anna Maria Wentz (spokesman for the bklm) took place at the Stuttgart University of Music and Performing Arts . The bklm was invited to the Rectors 'Conference of the Music Universities (RKM) on May 25, 2011 in Lübeck and has maintained regular contact with the Rectors' Conference since then.


At the inaugural meeting in 2011, the "Frankfurt Resolution" was presented, in which the most important demands are summarized. Further statements and explanations about the minimum standards followed.

Public perception and achievements

The concerns of the association are supported by some prominent representatives of the musical life and by the media.

Anne-Sophie Mutter protested in an interview at the Musikhochschule Karlsruhe against the poor pay of lecturers at music academies: “No other person would undertake a 10-year training course in order to really get breadcrumbs, sometimes not even be in a permanent position . This is unfair [...] This is not okay. I have to protest and I hope something will change. "

Heinrichs (chairman of the RKM, Stuttgart) had addressed the situation of the lecturers at the beginning of the RKM on May 22, 2011 in his speech at the final concert of the university competition, especially from the point of view of "equal pay for equal work".

On September 20, 2013, when asked about the situation of the lecturers, Hannelore Kraft confirmed that the SPD's goal was “equal pay for equal work”. The implementation is the task of the state government.

On April 17, 2012, the Frankfurter Rundschau warned in the article "Cheap lecturers at music colleges - the silent scandal in the land of music" that the inadequate working conditions of the lecturers must be improved. The article in the Frankfurter Rundschau on May 30, 2012 was similarly named: “High art for little money”. Numerous other press articles, especially in the musical press NMZ, followed. Friedemann Immer (bklm) spoke in Deutschlandfunk / Musikjournal on April 30, 2012 about the precarious working conditions of free musicians, lecturers at music colleges and the foreseeable old-age poverty of this professional group.

The presence and the numerous activities of the association made it possible to bring about improvements in many universities. A fundamental reform of the precarious situation of lecturers at the German music academies is still pending.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. http://bklm.org/archiv/mprot/bundeskonferenz/49-bklm-anwesenheitsliste-frankfurt.html
  2. Reform of the teaching post at conservatoires in Baden-Württemberg ( Memento from December 15, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) and minimum standards of working conditions for lecturers at conservatoires ( Memento from December 15, 2013 in the Internet Archive )
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R22xdGVnugA from min. 11:10
  4. https://www.fr.de/wissen/lautlose-skandal-land-musik-11336170.html
  5. https://www.fr.de/frankfurt/gewerkschaft-erbildung-und-wissenschaft-org27083/hohe-kunst-kleines-geld-11339894.html
  6. z. B. http://www.nmz.de/artikel/dozenten-als-tageloehner , http://www.nmz.de/artikel/die-maer-von-der-ergaenzung-des-unterrichtsbetriebs-lehrbeauftragte-an- music colleges
  7. Members of the German so-called cultural orchestras who accept a teaching assignment as a part-time job are usually not affected by these problems .
  8. Don't complain - fight! What's going on with the Frankfurt resolution? ( Memento from December 15, 2013 in the Internet Archive )