Federal student ring

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The Deutsche Bundesstudentenring (DBStR) was a loose working group of student associations founded in 1952 in what was then the Federal Republic of Germany to represent common interests across all types of university, especially in the social field. The following associations were founding members:

Later came the


The Bundesstudentenring maintained a joint foreign office for arranging student trips abroad (later: German Student Travel Service , DSR) as well as a social welfare office for the integration of refugee students from the GDR and Eastern Europe, from which today's Otto Benecke Foundation (OBS) emerged. Theo Tupetz was the managing director of the social welfare office and the OBS until 1969 , who also played a key role in the development and implementation of student funding based on the Honnef model (from 1957, for the scientific universities) and the Rhöndorf model (from 1958, for the technical schools) .

In the course of the integration of most of the teacher training colleges into the universities in the 1960s and the upgrading of the technical colleges to technical colleges , the member associations gradually became part of the VDS. The Federal Student Association therefore lost its former importance and stopped working in the mid-1970s.
