Federal Association of Production

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The BvP - Bundesverband Produktion Film und Fernsehen eV is a professional interest group based in Berlin .

The association was founded in 1990 under the name Bundesverband eV production as a club in Munich founded and represented initially by the professional group production belonging to line producer and production manager . Later, manager , film Director , Post Production Manager and Production Secretaries to. Since 2005, the association has gradually opened up for assistant directors , script / continuity and all other production professions.

goals and tasks

Aims and tasks are the further development of job profiles as well as their communication to economic and state organizations and institutions, the specialist dialogue on questions of work and project organization, budgeting, responsibilities, occupational health and safety, qualification of young talent, further training of filmmakers, as well as social security own professional group and other professional groups in media production. The association advises its members and mediates in job-specific questions, and understands its work as necessary structural support for the work of its members in an industry that is predominantly characterized by discontinuous project activity, with its serious effects on the development of best practice methods and Sustainability in the professional environment of the independent audiovisual media production industry in Germany.

The association enters into partnerships with other organizations for the purpose of improving working conditions, strengthening professional qualifications, influencing collective bargaining policy objectives and structural developments in the professional and social environment of filmmakers.

Until 2018, the BvP was organized in the Association of Professional Associations for Film and Television , and was involved in its activities.

In industry directories and in the opening and closing credits of films, the abbreviation “BvP” after the name indicates their membership in the association (e.g. line producer: Mark Poz, BvP ).

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