Federal Association of the German Grocery Trade

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The Federal Association of the German Retail Grocery Trade (short BVLH ; also: trade association food ) is a trade association for the advocacy of food retailers in Germany. It has the legal form of a registered association and its seat is in Berlin . It is a federal professional association within the German trade association and at the same time a member of the German food association .

Its purpose is to represent the interests of companies in the food trade - primarily the food retail sector - vis-à-vis politicians, authorities and other stakeholders .



Friedhelm Dornseifer has been President of the BVLH since October 2010 . His predecessor Dierk Frauen, who held the office from October 2002, resigned in April 2010 after differences with the HDE. Its predecessor, Herbert Blank, headed the association from 1987.


Ordinary members are the regional associations of the German Trade Association . Direct extraordinary members are individual food retail companies such as Edeka or the Rewe Group . The supporting membership consists of other organizations from the food industry .


The BVLH was founded in Wiesbaden in 1949, later moved to Cologne, in the early 1970s to Bonn and finally to Berlin.

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  1. [1]
  2. Jens Kirsch: Geography of German associations: mobility and immobility of interest groups in connection with the government move. LIT Verlag, Münster 2003.