Bundled goods

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In floristry , the term bundled goods refers to flowers, while in aquaristics, however, aquatic plants that are processed by the buyer himself.

Bundled goods in floristry

Roses as a bundle

In the narrow sense of the word, florists denote a bundle of cut flowers that are not tied up, ie. H. were not arranged in a bouquet. The buyer arranges the flowers himself in the vase at home . By saving the florist's workload, the goods can be calculated more tightly, which makes them attractively priced for people who like to design their own flower arrangements.

Flowers that are particularly common in this form are tulips , daffodils , roses and chrysanthemums .

Such bundles are now also often offered in supermarkets.

Bundled goods in the aquarium hobby

Indian water lover

In the aquarium hobby, bundles are called those aquatic plants that are not offered potted. Typically, these are plants that can cope with many holding conditions in the aquarium and grow very quickly. In contrast to potted goods, they offer aquarists the opportunity to plant the aquarium relatively cheaply in order to create suitable living conditions for the fish to be kept there.

The plants are usually held together at the lower end with a plastic ring or a metal strip. Tender stems such as those of the dense-leaved waterweed or the smooth-leaved valisnerie can be planted directly in the aquarium floor after a slight pruning of the roots. Alternatively, the attachment is removed and each individual shoot is planted in the aquarium floor. The shoots, which are usually not yet particularly well-rooted, however, float slightly. They can be pinned to the ground with plant needles for better anchoring. This labor-intensive method has the advantage that it is cheaper to set up new and large aquariums. By the time the cycle in the aquarium has become so smooth that fish and invertebrates can be used, the aquarium is usually already relatively densely overgrown.

The types regularly offered in bundles include dense leaved waterweed , smooth leaved valisnerie , false water friend , Indian water friend and Indian water frond .