Seebach Castle

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Seebach Castle
The moated castle in Seebach, identification mark of the former community of Weinbergen

The moated castle in Seebach, identification mark of the former community of Weinbergen

Alternative name (s): Seebach moated castle
Creation time : around 1200
Castle type : Niederungsburg
Conservation status: essentially preserved
Place: Mulhouse - Seebach
Geographical location 51 ° 9 '51.1 "  N , 10 ° 30' 31.4"  E Coordinates: 51 ° 9 '51.1 "  N , 10 ° 30' 31.4"  E
Seebach Castle around 1860, Alexander Duncker collection
Castle and pond

The castle Seebach , also surge Seebach called, is a former moated castle in the district of Seebach (Lindenhof 3) of the city of Muehlhausen / Thuringia in Unstrut-Hainich-Kreis ( Thuringia ).


The moated castle is said to have been built around 1227 by Lutz von Seebach on behalf of the Archbishops of Mainz. The castle, originally a Mainz, from the middle of the 16th century a Saxon fief, was often used as a pledge. On July 25, 1307, the Archbishop of Mainz pledged half of the castle to the brothers Albert and Hermann von Sebeche . Wolf von Seebach was the last of his line at Seebach Castle and died there in 1522 without children.

In 1523, the family estate of those von Seebach passed on to Wolf's sister, Brigitta von Seebach and the ducal Saxon councilor Günther von Bünau . After legal disputes, he sold the feud over the castle for 6,000 guilders to the castle captain of the Wartburg and bailiff in Eisenach and Querfurt, Hans Sittich von Berlepsch . During the Peasants' War , the castle and the town were plundered and destroyed by rebellious farmers and Mühlhausen citizens in early May 1525 and Hans von Berlepsch was imprisoned in Mühlhausen . After its liberation by the Duke of Saxony, the von Berlepsch were reinstated in their possession, enfeoffed with this in 1527 and rebuilt the castle.

In the 19th century and from 1911 to 1914 the “castle” was converted into a multi-storey stone building with a half-timbered structure that has been preserved to this day .

As early as 1885 and 1886, a bird protection park was created on the site, which was privately operated until 1908 and is still the oldest bird protection facility in Germany. Since 1936 it has been operated as a state bird protection station in Seebach .

See also

Web links

Commons : Wasserschloss Seebach  - Collection of images, videos and audio files