Hans Parakeet von Berlepsch

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Hans Sittich von Berlepsch (* around 1480 ; † 1533 ) was a German knight.


Hans Sittich von Berlepsch was castle captain of the Wartburg and bailiff in Eisenach and Querfurt when Martin Luther translated the New Testament into German at the Wartburg in 1521/22 . He was married to Beate von Ebeleben (⚭ March 24, 1523, † August 2, 1569) in his second marriage .

As a privy councilor, Berlepsch received several embassies from three Saxon electors , which he carried out so skilfully that Emperor Maximilian declared at the Reichstag that "he wished to fill his entire Reichsrat with such wise and brave Berlepschen" .


  • Otto Böcher: Martin Luther and Hans von Berlepsch. In: Genealogical yearbook. Volume 33/34. Degener, Neustadt ad Aisch 1995, ISSN  0514-3292 , pp. 113-133 ( curriculum vitae ).
  • Genealogical yearbook, Degener-Verlag, 1993, volumes 32-35, page 118

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