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Butanediols (also synonymous butylene glycols ) are chain-like organic compounds made up of four carbon and eight hydrogen atoms and two hydroxyl groups , i.e. diols .

Depending on the arrangement of the hydroxyl group, a distinction is made between four butanediols , neglecting the stereochemistry :

The other conceivable butanediols 1,1-butanediol and 2,2-butanediol are not stable as geminal diols according to the Erlenmeyer rule , since the hydroxyl groups are bonded to the same carbon atom.


1,2-butanediol and 1,3-butanediol are chiral and each contain a stereocenter . Therefore there are the following stereoisomers :

  • ( R ) -1,2-butanediol and
  • ( S ) -1,2-butanediol

such as

  • ( R ) -1,3-butanediol and
  • ( S ) -1,3-butanediol.

2,3-Butanediol contains two stereocenters with the same substitution pattern, so there are three stereoisomers:

  • ( R , R ) -2,3-butanediol,
  • ( S , S ) -2,3-butanediol and
  • meso -2,3-butanediol.


All butanediols are used as glycerine substitutes and solvents as well as for the synthesis of plastics and epoxy resins.

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Commons : Butanediole  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files