Butjadinger Franzosenschanzen

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Location of the coastal batteries

The Butjadinger Franzosenschanzen were five fortifications in Butjadingen in Lower Saxony that were built during the Oldenburg French era . The five ski jumps were located in Blexen , Großwürden , near the Waddenser pump , in Groß-Fedderwarden and on the Oberahnschen fields .



The reason for the construction of the facilities was probably the attack by English ships on Eckwarden on June 17, 1809. On that day, two English warships bombarded the coast and landed 60 soldiers. These soldiers conquered the church and the contraband stored in it . The stolen goods consisted, among other things, of 863 sacks of coffee, 217 pounds of indigo , 756 pounds of tobacco, 4921 pounds of dye wood and had previously been confiscated from English ships by French customs officers . Another attack occurred on August 26, 1810, when two English warships and several smugglers' ships occupied the island of Arngast .

Erection of the batteries

In 1810 the Duchy of Oldenburg was annexed by the French Empire . In order to enforce the continental barrier against England , the coast was fortified at strategic points. The main purpose of the newly built forts was to prevent smuggling with England. They also protected the coast against English attacks and landings. In addition, they should monitor the free trade running through Kniphausen and Varel . In total, only 300 men were deployed on the defense works at the mouth of the Weser and on the Jade .

The construction work began in 1810/11, the police officer Strackerjan declared on February 27, 1811 that the construction of a battery on the Oberahn fields was transferred to him. The construction work was completed in 1813, at the same time as the battery in Heppens .


The mouth of the Weser was protected by the battery in Blexen on the left bank of the Weser and by the fortress Karlsburg on the right bank. The mouth of the Jade was covered by the batteries in Heppens, on the large Oberahn field and the battery of Grand Dignitaries. Due to their location, these three batteries could not only control the access to the Jade, but also the access to the Varel harbor.

Individual evidence

  1. Gustav Rüthning: Oldenburgische history . tape 2 , 1911, p. 374 ff .
  2. a b c d Wilhelm Janßen: The Vareler harbor . 1993, p. 66-70 .
  3. Gustav Rüthning: Oldenburgische history . tape 2 , 1911, p. 374 ff .
  4. Gustav Rüthning: Oldenburgische history . tape 2 , 1911, p. 374 ff .