Cédric Tourbe

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Cédric Tourbe (born March 19, 1972 in Laon in the Aisne department ) is a French documentary filmmaker.


Tourbe initially worked as a teacher before studying at the Institut d'études politiques de Paris (Sciences Po) in Paris in 1990 . He then became a production assistant before moving to directing and focusing on his favorite subjects: contemporary history and the secrets of power.


The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung writes about Stalin's executioner - The Katyn Massacre :

“The production balances on a fine line in terms of memory politics. While one school of thought focuses on the suffering of a group of victims, in this case the Poles, the other tries to take a holistic view; But this repeatedly causes the accusation of universalizing injustice and keeping it far away from the victims. Tourbe avoids this dilemma by very soon introducing the fate of the Polish army members Józef Czapski and Salomon Slowes, who survived the horror. ... The strength of Tourbe's documentation lies particularly in the retelling of the discourses in the years and decades after the massacre: They reveal a very tactical approach to historical facts about a mass murder. "

The Neue Westfälische reviews Good Bye, Wladimir Iljitsch Uljanow, called Lenin, with the words:

“This French documentation tells the prehistory of the Hitler-Stalin Pact and tries to master the extremely complex matter with many archive images and expert explanations. She does this reasonably well. For viewers with no prior knowledge of the history of the Second World War, however, Cédric Tourbe's contribution is likely to be less suitable. "

Films (selection)

  • Foccart, l'homme qui dirigeait l'Afrique (2010)
  • Revolt (TV series, 2014)
  • Lénine, une autre histoire de la révolution russse (2017)
    • German: Good Bye, Wladimir Iljitsch Uljanow, called Lenin
  • Le pacte Hitler-Staline (2019)
    • German: The Hitler-Stalin Pact
  • Les bourreaux de Staline - Katyn, 1940 (2020)
    • German: Stalin's executioner - The Katyn massacre

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. https://www.franceinter.fr/emissions/doc-hebdo/doc-hebdo-26-janvier-2014 accessed on August 13, 2020
  2. https://www.faz.net/aktuell/feuilleton/medien/arte-doku-zum-massaker-von-katy-16649605.html Niklas Zimmermann in the FAZ of February 25, 2020 accessed on August 15, 2020
  3. https://www.nw.de/nachrichten/kultur/kultur/22343421_TV-Kritik-Der-Hitler-Stalin-Pakt-Vorkenntnisse-erzutlich.html Martin Weber in the NW of January 8, 2019, accessed on August 15, 2020