Cédric Waldburger

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Cédric Waldburger (* 1988 ) is a Swiss entrepreneur , investor , blogger and representative of a minimal lifestyle .


Waldburger founded his first business, Mediadesign AG, a Swiss agency specializing in brand and brand strategy, at the age of fourteen. The companies he founded or co-founded include Tenderloin Ventures AG, a young venture capital fund with a focus on high-growth companies in the IT / software / hardware industry, Glimpse Corp., a service provider for video auditing and data analysis, which focused on monitoring food and beverage transactions via video cameras, DFINITY Foundation, a blockchain-based cloud computing project. And Sendtask, a manufacturer of task management and communication software.

Waldburger is also known for promoting a minimalist lifestyle. He doesn't have a fixed address, spends a maximum of four days in a row in one place and only has 64 things, all in black, that he carries around in a travel bag and backpack.


Waldburger is a well-known exponent of minimalism who has appeared in television documentaries to introduce this lifestyle. He minimized his lifestyle so that he could get the most out of his life. For this he freed himself from everything that seemed unimportant to him in order to concentrate on the essentials of life, such as relationships.

Minimalism refers to the phenomenon that more and more people in industrialized countries feel the need to get rid of the useless clutter in their lives. You suffer from information overload, have too many things, and don't have enough time for the important things in life. They realize that they are buying more than they need and that they are losing focus. Minimalists therefore experiment with new ideas about life. Cédric Waldburger reduced the list of things he needed in his life to 64 objects. He gave everything else away and has not had an apartment since. As the CEO or CTO of several companies, he travels all year round and rarely spends more than three days in a row in one place. He develops apps that enable others to lead minimalist lives. This life has already been described in a documentary on Swiss Radio and Television (SRF).

Digital nomad

By 2017, Waldburger had participated in nine start-ups. That allowed him to learn different things from each company, he says. His main lesson was "the importance of good teams, motivated employees and a positive work culture ". With his lifestyle of a digital nomad , Waldburger is also used as a model for the life of modern business people. It has been featured in several lifestyle and management magazines, including Audi's "aio", as a modern example of a digital nomad. Waldburger's activities are seen as proof that diversification can become a model for success in a truly globalized world. His minimalist lifestyle combines several modern trends: travel, flexibility, location-independent work and a life that is not determined by the rhythm of one's own life, but by one's own biorhythm .

Individual proof

  1. Media design. Retrieved September 18, 2018 .
  2. Tenderloin. Retrieved September 18, 2018 .
  3. Glimpse. Retrieved September 19, 2018 .
  4. Dfinity. Retrieved September 19, 2018 .
  5. Send task. Retrieved September 18, 2018 .
  6. ^ Cédric Waldburger. Retrieved September 17, 2018 .
  7. ^ The list of Waldburger's possessions. Retrieved September 17, 2018 .
  8. ^ Documentation by the SRF. Retrieved September 18, 2018 .
  9. ^ Documentation by the SRF. Retrieved September 18, 2018 .
  10. Report on Benomad.co. Retrieved September 19, 2018 .
  11. Benomad. Retrieved September 19, 2018 .
  12. Onpulson. Retrieved September 19, 2018 .
  13. ^ Aio (Audi AG). Retrieved September 19, 2018 .