CS50 (computer course)

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CS50 is a computer course. It had its origin at Harvard University . It is now offered as a seminar and as a single event at various universities, including Yale , as well as the online learning platform edX under the name CS50x. Course instructor is David J. Malan. Computer Science 50 is the largest course at Harvard University in terms of participants.

CS50 achieved worldwide fame through prominent graduates like Susan Wojcicki , who is meanwhile CEO of YouTube . The course is a platform for guest speakers like Steve Ballmer .

The course is received, for example, in documentaries about the American scientific community such as Ivory Tower "(German: Whoever wants to learn has to pay )". In addition, the course is the subject of scientific considerations in lectures and in referenced journals.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Website of the course instructor
  2. ^ Ivory Tower
  3. ↑ List of lectures and publications by the course leader

Web links