Cabinet (brand of cigarettes)

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Packet of cigarettes

CABINET is a German brand of cigarettes from the group Imperial Tobacco belonging Reemtsma GmbH and is mainly engaged in the new federal states to obtain.


Cabinet cigarettes were introduced in the GDR in 1972 and produced by the state-owned company VEB Tabak Nordhausen as well as by the United Zigarettenfabriken Dresden . Before the change, the monthly production was around 800 million cigarettes and the market share in 1989 was 33 percent. After reunification , Reemtsma initially took over production, and the market share fell to ten percent. Production took place in Nordhausen until the end of the 1990s , then the location was closed and production continued at the main plant in Langenhagen . New variants were then introduced and the taste changed.

Cabinet Spicy
Tar: 10 mg
Nicotine : 0.9 mg
Carbon monoxide : 10 mg
Tobacco additives : Water , nitrogen
Status 03/2007.
Cabinet Red
Tar: 8 mg
Nicotine: 0.7 mg
Carbon monoxide: 8 mg
Tobacco additives: Water, nitrogen
Status 03/2007.
Cabinet Blue
Tar: 6 mg
Nicotine: 0.5 mg
Carbon monoxide: 6 mg
Tobacco additives: Water, nitrogen
Status 03/2007.
Cabinet gold
Tar: 2 mg
Nicotine: 0.2 mg
Carbon monoxide: 2 mg
Tobacco additives: Water, nitrogen
Status 03/2007.
Cabinet Fresh
Tar: 6 mg
Nicotine: 0.5 mg
Carbon monoxide: 6 mg
Tobacco additives: Water, L-menthol , aroma, nitrogen. Some of the aromas are contained in the filter.
Status 03/2007.

Individual evidence

  1. The tobacco industry is in for a surprise in the new German east - smokers do not like the western herb. In: Der Spiegel. 45/1990.
  2. a b c d e The information applies to cigarettes available on the German market. Source: BMELV ( Memento of the original dated August 14, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /