Cafe Ministry

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Café Ministry on Stubenring / Georg-Coch-Platz (2013)

The Café Ministry is a coffee house on the Stubenring in Vienna's 1st district, Innere Stadt . It got its name because of its location opposite the former Kuk War Ministry (now the Ministry of Economy, Family and Youth).


In 1935, the Café Ministry was built on the corner of Stubenring and Georg-Coch-Platz in the premises of a former hardware store. The Schumann family of coffee makers opened and ran the coffee house for around a quarter of a century. In 1960 it was taken over by Karl Tiroch, who ran it together with his wife until 1980. From 1980 it was run by his son Kurt Tiroch and his wife Bernadette. Their son Thomas Tiroch has been managing partner of Tiroch GmbH since 2014 and has been responsible for the café ever since. Many of the ministries working in the area visit the café.

Furnishings such as an old cash register or the classic marble tables that have stood here from the start testify to the long history of the house . The red, plush benches make the restaurant cozy. The furnishings are so classic that the rooms have often been used for TV series such as “ Kommissar Rex ” and “ Tatort ”. When filming takes place on Saturdays and Sundays, the restaurant is closed and reserved for private parties.

Web links

Commons : Café Ministry  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Café Ministry. Retrieved January 29, 2014 .

Coordinates: 48 ° 12 ′ 20.3 "  N , 16 ° 22 ′ 21.2"  E