Calponia harrisonfordi

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Calponia harrisonfordi
Order : Spiders (Araneae)
Subordination : Real spiders (Araneomorphae)
Partial order : Haplogynae
Family : Caponiidae
Genre : Calponia
Type : Calponia harrisonfordi
Scientific name of the  genus
Platnick , 1993
Scientific name of the  species
Calponia harrisonfordi
Platnick , 1993

Calponia harrisonfordi is a true spider fromthe Caponiidae family . It is the only species of the genus Calponia described so far, the genus is therefore monotypical . The spider is so far only known from the coastal highlands of central California .


The animals reach a body length of about 5 millimeters, are reddish-orange in color, with orange legs and long black bristles that are scattered on the body. The sexes in Calponia harrisonfordi do not differ in color and drawing. Young animals have a pale longitudinal stripe on the top of the legs. The back armor of the Prosoma is oval and flattened. The tarsi each have three claws.

The front, middle pair of eyes are surrounded by a black pigment ring and therefore appear dark, while the six other eyes of the spider appear pale. The distance between the two middle eyes almost corresponds to their diameter. Within the family of the Caponiidae only the species of the genus Caponia also have eight eyes like Calponia harrisonfordi . This is an original characteristic within the family. The number of eyes in most other genera is reduced to two. Calponia harrisonfordi differs from the Caponia species in the smaller size of the posterior, lateral spinnerets , which are only slightly larger than the ones in front. In addition, the males of Calponia do not have a noticeable group of bristles on the back of the cymbium and only have a very short embolus on the pedipalp .


Calponia harrisonfordi was discovered in 1993 in California by Norman I. Platnick . The Artepitethon harrisonfordi was chosen to honor the actor Harrison Ford for his contributions to the American Museum of Natural History , where Platnick headed the Department of Entomology . Harrison Ford is vice chairman of the conservation organization Conservation International and supports initiatives to study biodiversity . On audiovisual media of the Museum Harrison Ford can be heard as a speaker.

The generic name was chosen based on the closely related genera Caponia and Caponina within the family Caponiidae. Within the Caponiidae, Calponia was placed in the subfamily Caponiinae, which is probably not monophyletic.

Web links


  • Norman I. Platnick: A new genus of the spider family Caponiidae (Araneae, Haplogynae) from California. American Museum Novitates, 3063, New York, June 10, 1993 ( full text PDF, 3 MB )

Individual evidence

  1. Natural History Museum of the Burgergemeinde Bern: World Spider Catalog Version 17.0 - Amaurobiidae . Retrieved June 8, 2016.