Cambro Normans

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Cambro-Normans , also Kambro-Normans , ( lat. Cambria : "Wales") were Normans who settled in the south of Wales from 1067 after the Norman conquest of Wales and originally came from Normandy . Their language was Cambro-Norman .

About 100 years after the Norman conquest of England , the Normans invaded Eastern Ireland in 1167 under Richard Fitz Godbert de Roche and in 1169 Richard de Clare and conquered the counties of Wexford and Waterford . Most of these Normans came from Wales, only a few from England , which is why medievalists also refer to them as Cambro-Normans and not as Anglo-Normans . Those Normans who stayed and settled in Ireland later became Hiberno-Normans .

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Fionn Davenport: Ireland, Lonely Planet Germany, 2010, p. 35 online
  2. ^ Alheydis Plassmann : Die Normannen: Erobern, Herrschen, Integrieren, W. Kohlhammer Verlag, 2008, p. 295 and p. 307 Online