Candle stone

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Candle stone

The Candle Stone is an in situ befindlicher menhir ( English Standing Stone ), which from the late Neolithic or early Bronze Age comes and not to be confused with the Candle Hill Stane in Insch . The upright monolith is in a pasture 115 m west of Drumwhindle House, northwest of Ellon in Aberdeenshire , Scotland .

The dark basalt stone is about 2.5 meters high and about one square meter at the square base. At the top it widens to about 1.5 m², before it tapers to about 0.6 m² at its tip.

The menhir is one of around 50 in Strathdon , where menhirs, stone circles and burial mounds were built. The distribution of the stones largely corresponds to the distribution of the burial mounds, which indicates a connection between the two.


  • Frederick R. Coles: Report on the stone circles of North-Eastern Scotland, chiefly in Auchterless and Forgue, with measured plans and drawings, obtained under the Gunning Fellowship. In: Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Vol. 37, 1902/1903, pp. 82–142, here pp. 92–93, ( digital version (PDF; 2.39 MB) ).
  • James Ritchie: Folklore of the Aberdeenshire stone circles and Standing-Stones. In: Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Vol. 60, 1925/1926, pp. 304-313, here p. 313, ( digitized version (PDF; 639 KB) ).

Individual evidence

  1. Entry on Candle Hill Stane  in Canmore, the database of Historic Environment Scotland (English)
  2. Strathdon is an area in Aberdeenshire. It is on the banks of the Don , 75 km north of Aberdeen . The main town of Strathdon was originally called Invernochty because it is located at the confluence of the Don and Nochty rivers.

Web links

Coordinates: 57 ° 24 '14.6 "  N , 2 ° 7' 56.8"  W.