Candlemas Islands

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Candlemas Islands
NASA image of the Candlemas Islands
NASA image of the Candlemas Islands
Waters South Atlantic
archipelago South Sandwich Islands
Geographical location 57 ° 5 ′  S , 26 ° 39 ′  W Coordinates: 57 ° 5 ′  S , 26 ° 39 ′  W
Map of Candlemas Islands
Number of islands 2 (without secondary islands )
Main island Candlemas Island
Total land area 17 km²
Residents uninhabited

The Candlemas Islands (English Candlemas Islands , also light measuring islands ) are a group of islands under British administration in the southern Atlantic Ocean . The group in the north of the South Sandwich Islands consists of the two uninhabited islands Candlemas Island and Vindication Island as well as a number of tiny rocky islands .

In part, the two islands are geographically assigned to the Traversay Islands , a group of islands 50 km further north-west. The Candlemas Islands were discovered by James Cook on the day of light measurement (February 2) in 1775 , but the three Traversay Islands were discovered around 45 years later by Fabian Gottlieb von Bellingshausen .

Web links

Individual evidence

    • Johann Reinhold Forster 's [...] trip around the world between 1772 and 1775 in the ship the Resolution [...] led by Captain Cook . Described and edited by his son and travel companion George Forster . Second volume. Berlin by Haude and Spener. 1780. pp. 419 f. deutschestextarchiv
    • Forster, Therese: Georg Forster's all writings. Johann Reinhold Forster's and Georg Forster's journey around the world in the years 1772 to 1775. Volume 2. Leipzig 1843. P. 410
    • Johann Reinhold Forster's [...] remarks [...] collected on his trip around the world. Translated and with additional notes by his son and travel companion Georg Forster. Berlin Haude and Spener 1783, p. 19 ; Transcription at