Captain Pastene

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Captain Pastene
Coordinates: 38 ° 12 ′  S , 73 ° 0 ′  W
Map: Chile
Captain Pastene
Capitán Pastene on the map of Chile
Basic data
Country Chile
region Región de la Araucanía
City foundation March 10, 1904
Residents 4132 
Detailed data
height 218  m
Time zone UTC −4

Capitán Pastene is a Chilean town that was founded by Italian immigrants. It is located in the Región de la Araucanía .


Capitán Pastene administratively belongs to the municipality of Lumaco . There are efforts to make Capitán Pastene a separate community.


In two waves of immigration between 1904 and 1905, around 700 family members from 88 families of Italian origin settled there. The families came from Guiglia , Pavullo and Romaña in the province of Modena . At the beginning, the residents of Capitán Pastene were mainly active in agriculture and forestry. The immigrants were attracted by the entrepreneur Giorgio Ricci, who had acquired land holdings in the Región de la Araucanía from the Chilean state. Since it was founded, Capitán Pestene has developed its own Italian-Chilean culture, which is mainly characterized by its Italian cuisine ( prosciutto , pasta ).


The place is named after the Genoese explorer in the Spanish service Juan Bautista Pastene . In 1544 he sailed the Chilean Pacific coast and formally took possession of it for Pedro de Valdivia .

Web links

Commons : Capitán Pastene  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  2. Marcelo Castro and César Herrera: Capitán Pastene: La pequeña Italia de La Araucanía.