Carl Buchner

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Count Salm von Hoogstraten (photo)

Carl Johann Sigmund Buchner (born June 13, 1821 in Nuremberg ; † February 4, 1918 in Stuttgart ) was a German portrait painter and photographer, younger brother of the portrait and history painter Johann Georg Buchner (1815-1857).

Buchner studied in Munich from 1846 to 1848, but was not entered in the Academy's register book.

Since 1854 he was based in Stuttgart. He supplied his brother with photographs as templates for his portrait painting. Together with his brother and after his death he ran a studio independently.

In 1885 he was appointed court painter and court photographer of the Kingdom of Württemberg . He died at the age of 97.


Web links

Commons : Carl Buchner  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files