Carl Marx (singer)

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Carl Marx , also Karl Marx ( July 23, 1861 in Würzburg - July 8, 1933 in Mannheim ) was a German opera singer ( bass ) and theater director .


After completing his training, he began his stage career in Würzburg in 1887, worked in Strasbourg from 1888 to 1893 and joined the Association of the Court Theater in Mannheim in 1894. Marx has long been described as a powerful, powerfully voiced bass buffo, whose splendid humor always has an unconditional effect. His voice is of great sonic beauty and just as he excelled in comical parts of his subject, he had also repeatedly given evidence that he knew how to master serious bass parts no less successfully. He was a singer of great musical intelligence, whose genuinely artistic development of the characters received fair appreciation. From his large repertoire his excellent achievements should be mentioned: "Bombardon", "Falstaff", "Leporello", "Baculus", "Plumkett", "van Bett", but also "Hunding", "Hagen" etc. From 1903 onwards this excellent artist signed for the Hofbühne in Munich.

But he soon went back to Mannheim and worked there until the end of his life.


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