Carl Rummy

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Carl Romme (1959)

Carl Paul Marie Romme (born December 21, 1896 in Oirschot , † October 16, 1980 in Tilburg ) was a Dutch politician, journalist and lawyer.

Romme studied law at the University of Amsterdam and then initially became a lawyer. In 1921 he was elected to the Amsterdam City Council for Roomsch-Katholieke Staats Partij (RKSP) and has now also written for various publications. From 1937 to 1939 he was Minister for Social Affairs in the Dutch government under Hendrikus Colijn .

In 1944, Romme was together with Adrianus Cornelis de Bruijn , the pre-war chairman of the RK Werkliedenverbond (RKWV) (Roman Catholic Workers' Association), the main initiator of the re-establishment of the newspaper de Volkskrant . Since he did not want to be the editor-in-chief alone, as originally planned, the newspaper received a second editor-in-chief in Joop Lücker . De Bruijn became chairman of the RKWV successor organization Katholieke Arbeiders Bewegungsing (KAB) in 1946 , which took over the publishing of de Volkskrant .

From 1946 to 1961, Romme was the parliamentary group leader of the Katholieke Volkspartij (KVP), which resulted in a close connection between the party and the newspaper in the Personalie Rommes. Disputes about direction between the KVP and KAB had an impact on the relationship between Romme and de Bruijn. After the CIP failed to win the parliamentary elections and Romme was unable to become prime minister as a result, he resigned from the editorial team at the end of 1952 due to these tensions, but exactly one year later worked again as a columnist for the newspaper on Lücker's initiative.

After leaving parliament, Romme became a member of the State Council in 1962. In 1971 he was given the honorary rank of Minister of State .

Web links

Commons : Carl Romme  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files