Carlo Cozio

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Carlo Cozio , Count of Montiglio and Salabue (* circa 1715 in Casale Monferrato ; † circa 1780 ) was an Italian chess player and author. His son Ignazio Cozio was a famous collector of violins.

Chess author

Carlo Cozio became known for his chess book Il giuoco degli scacchi . The two-volume work, already completed in manuscript around 1740, was published in Turin in 1766 .

In the presentation of the openings , Cozio, based on his predecessor Gioachino Greco , concentrated in particular on the King's Gambit . Like this one, he did not provide the listed variants with additional comments. Unlike the other Italian chess authors of the 18th century, Cozio followed Greco with regard to the rules of chess in the preference of (modern) limited castling . He provided this, however, with the condition that no enemy stone should be attacked or chess played through castling . The second volume contains more than two hundred endgames or studies .

A seldom played variant of the Spanish opening is named after Cozio , which is created after the moves 1. e2 – e4 e7 – e5 2. Ng1 – f3 Nb8 – c6 3. Bf1 – b5 Ng8 – e7 (ECO code: C60).

Title page of the first volume


Web links


  1. ^ Anton Schmid : (tschaturangavidjâ.) Literature of the game of chess . Vienna 1847, p. 152 f.