Carlo Marangoni

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Carlo Giuseppe Matteo Marangoni (born April 29, 1840 in Pavia , † April 14, 1925 in Florence ) was an Italian physicist .

Marangoni spent his childhood, school days and studies in Pavia. In 1865 he was in physics at Giovanni Cantoni with the theme 'espansione Sull delle Goccie liquid ( "About the spread of droplets of a liquid") doctorate . After receiving his doctorate, he moved to Florence, where he first worked at the "Museo di Fisica" (1866) and later at the Liceo Dante (1870) until his retirement in 1916.

His scientific interest was mainly the exploration of free surfaces. The Marangoni convection and a dimensionless number , the Marangoni number , are named after Marangoni .

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