Carlos Galhardo

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Carlos Galhardo (actually Catello Carlos Guagliardi ; born April 24, 1913 in Buenos Aires , † July 25, 1985 in Rio de Janeiro ) was a famous Brazilian singer of the so-called "Age of Radio" in Brazil ( Portuguese Era do Rádio ).


Carlos Galhardo was the son of Italian immigrants. Two brothers were born in Italy , he himself in Buenos Aires and a third brother in Rio de Janeiro , where the family finally settled.

After the early death of his mother, Galhardo had to go to a relative at the age of eight, where he learned the tailoring trade. At one of the tailors where he later worked, he met the baritone Salvador Grimaldi.

Carlos Galhardo died at the age of 72. One of his daughters is the artist Carla Guagliardi .


After he only sang privately, he was able to audition at RCA Victor after a party appearance on the recommendation of some named musicians such as Mário Reis . In 1933 his first solo album was finally released.

In addition to his career at RCA Victor, he has produced records for Columbia, Odeon and Continental. It was the singer in Brazil whose songs were the second most recorded, about 570 songs in total.

The most successful recordings

  • Adeus, amor, Urbano Lóes, Study in E major by Chopin (1946)
  • Alá-lá-ô, Haroldo Lobo and Nássara (1941)
  • A você, Ataulfo ​​Alves and Aldo Cabral (1936)
  • A pequenina cruz do teu rosário, Fernando Weyne and Roberto Xavier de Castro (1947)
  • Boas Festas, Assis Valente (1933)
  • Bodas de prata, Roberto Martins and Mário Rossi (1945)
  • Cadê Zazá ?, Roberto Martins and Ary Monteiro (1947)
  • Carolina, Bonfiglio de Oliveira and Hervé Cordovil (1934)
  • Cortina de veludo, Paulo Barbosa and Oswaldo Santiago (1935)
  • Devolve, Mário Lago (1940)
  • E o destino desfolhou, Gastão Lamounier and Mário Rossi (1937)
  • Fascinação, Fermo Dante Marchetti and Armando Louzada (1950)
  • Gira, gira, gira, Custódio Mesquita and Ewaldo Ruy (1944)
  • Italiana, José Maria de Abreu, Paulo Barbosa and Oswaldo Santiago (1936)
  • Lenda árabe, Paulo Barbosa and Oswaldo Santiago (1937)
  • Linda borboleta, João de Barro and Alberto Ribeiro (1938)
  • Madame Pompadour, Paulo Barbosa and Oswaldo Santiago (1937)
  • Mais uma valsa… mais uma saudade, José Maria de Abreu and Lamartine Babo, (1937)
  • Nós queremos uma valsa, Nássara and Eratóstenes Frazão (1941)
  • Rapaziada do Brás, Alberto Marino (1960)
  • Rosa de maio, Custódio Mesquita and Ewaldo Ruy (1944)
  • Salão grená, Paulo Barbosa and Francisco Célio (1939)
  • Saudades de Matão, Jorge Galati and Raul Torres (1941)
  • Sei que é covardia, mas…, Ataulfo ​​Alves and Claudionor Cruz (1938)
  • Será ?, Mário Lago (1945)
  • Vela branca sobre o mar, José Maria de Abreu and Oswaldo Santiago (1937)