Carla Guagliardi

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Carla Maria Guagliardi (* 1956 in Rio de Janeiro ) is a visual artist who has lived and worked in Berlin - Prenzlauer Berg and Rio de Janeiro since 1997 .


Carla Guagliardi is the daughter of the Brazilian singer Carlos Galhardo . After studying art for four years from 1983 to 1987 at the Escola de Artes Visuais do Parque Lage in Rio de Janeiro, Carla Guagliardi founded the group Grupo Visorama together with other artists such as Brígida Baltar and Analu Cunha . In the following six years, the artist group organized seminars, workshops and readings on contemporary art in various cultural institutions in Brazil . At the same time, from 1988 to 1991, the artist completed a postgraduate course in art and architecture history at the Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro . Your exhibition activity began in 1987, z. B. at the XIX. Salão Nacional de Belo Horizonte, Palacio Pampulha. Carla Guagliardi has been commuting between Berlin and Rio de Janeiro since 1997.

Guagliardi has received several awards, including a 2007 scholarship at Villa Aurora , Los Angeles . In 2017 she was a finalist in the prestigious Prêmio PIPA ( Prêmio Investidor Profissional de Arte ) in Brazil , combined with prize money, catalog entry and admission to the Museu de Arte Moderna do Rio de Janeiro (MAMRio).

Works are u. a. in the University of Essex Collection of Latin American Art, Coleção Gilberto Chateaubriand, MAM do Rio de Janeiro, MAM da Bahia, Salvador, Instituto Brasil-Estados Unidos, Rio de Janeiro or Khoj in Mysore , after taking part in the Artist-in-Residence Program of the Khoj International Artists' Association 2002 in India.

In the area of ​​plastic object art, Guagliardi creates installations and assemblages that appear minimalist . She uses materials such as glass balls, copper pipes, iron rods, threads, rubber bands, filled helium balloons, water, plants, plastic or cotton. With this she creates fragile sculptures like mobiles that cover the entire space. She tries u. a. To make time visible and to temporarily overcome gravity.

Exhibitions (selection)

E = solo exhibition, G = group exhibition

  • 1991 Instalação , Galeria Sérgio Porto, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (E)
  • 1996 Memória Líquida , Galeria IBEU Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (E)
  • 1999 Nada do que nicht era antes , Künstlerhaus Bethanien , Berlin (E)
  • 2000 O lugar do ar / The place of the air, Kunstverein auf dem Prenzlauer Berg, Berlin (E)
  • 2004 Um mar e dois desertos / One sea, two deserts , Galerie m Bochum, Bochum (E)
  • 2006 Kick-off Berlin, art makes the world , Haus am Waldsee , Berlin
  • 2009 Weightless , Haus am Waldsee, Berlin, Carla Guagliardi and Simon Faithfull
  • 2009 O lugar do ar , Museu de Arte Moderna do Rio de Janeiro , Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (E)
  • 2009 Luogo d'aria , Castelo dell'ovo, Naples, Italy
  • 2010 The Glass Delusion , The National Glass Center, Sunderland, England (G)
  • 2010 The desire for form. O desejo da forma , Academy of Arts, Berlin (G)
  • 2018 Selva , Galeria Fayga Ostrower, Complexo Cultural Funarte Brasília together with former Visorama members (G)
  • 2019 Negative Space , ZKM Center for Art and Media Technology , Karlsruhe (G)


  • The Desire for Form, O Desejo da Forma: Neoconcretismo and Contemporary Brazilian Art. Akademie der Künste, Berlin 2010, ISBN 978-3-88331-162-3 (exhibition catalog, September 3 to November 7, 2010, Academy of the Arts). Therein Carla Guagliarci: pp. 106-107 (illustrations).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Carla Guagliardi. In: Retrieved February 24, 2019 (Brazilian Portuguese).
  2. Carla Guagliardi. In: KHOJ, accessed February 25, 2019 .
  3. Review: Susana Sáez: Upside Down on the Antarctic. In: , No. 2, 2009, accessed on February 24, 2019.
  4. ^ Carla Guagliardi: O lugar do ar . Textos Guy Bret e Luiz Camillo Osório. Museu de Arte Moderne de Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro 2009, ISBN 978-859-9616-08-6 .
  5. Mostra Selva entra em cartaz nesta sexta na Funarte Brasília. In: Folha Nacional de Cultura, April 25, 2018, accessed February 25, 2019 (Brazilian Portuguese).