Carlos Marighella

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Carlos Marighella (mid-1940s)

Carlos Marighella (born December 5, 1911 in Salvador da Bahia , † November 4, 1969 in São Paulo ) was a Brazilian revolutionary and theorist of urban guerrillas .


Marighella had entered the Partido Comunista Brasileiro (PCB) in 1934 , for the Constituent Assembly of 1946 he was elected as a federal representative for his home state Bahia. The former member of the congress founded a guerrilla movement ( urban guerrilla ) under the Brazilian military dictatorship (1964–1985) and became the most important proponent of the thesis that the guerrillas had to be led from the countryside to the big cities. Marighella was shot dead by the military in an ambush in Brazil on November 4, 1969. At the time of his death, at least six different armed revolutionary groups were operating in Brazil, including the Comando de Libertação Nacional .

Memorial to Carlos Marighella at the site of his murder in São Paulo

Carlos Marighella's Minimanual of the Urban Guerilla was published in the American magazine Tricontinental No. 16, Jan./Feb. 1970 printed in full. Tricontinental was a Cuba-oriented magazine in English that appeared twice a month. A German translation under the title Mini Handbuch des Stadtguerilleros appeared shortly afterwards in: Sozialistische Politik . Ed .: Otto Suhr Institute Berlin. Vol. 2, No. 6/7 1970, pp. 143–166 (the Otto Suhr Institute is the department for political science at the Free University of Berlin ). This writing had a significant influence on Western European terrorist organizations, including the Red Army faction . It was one of the first such instruction books to list airplane hijackings as an act of armed propaganda . From May 1970 to 1996 the text appeared repeatedly in at least five different independent German-language editions as an underground font.

See also


  • Marcio M. Alves, Konrad Detrez, Carlos Marighela (eds.): Smash the wealth islands of the third world. With the manual of the guerrillas of Sao Paulo , Rowohlt Verlag, Reinbek bei Hamburg 1971 (series: rororo aktuell 1453/1454), ISBN 3-499-11453-4 .
  • Dirk Freudenberg: The universality of the methods of irregular forces using the example of the concepts of Hans von Dachs and Carlos Marighellas , in: Thomas Jäger / Ramus Beckmann (eds.): Handbuch Kriegstheorien , Wiesbaden 2011, pp. 310–322. ISBN 978-3-531-17933-9
  • Ernst Halperin: Terrorism in Latin America , Beverly Hills a. a. (Sage) 1976 ( The Washington Papers Vol. 4, 33).
  • Leo Huberman: Focus and Freedom. Debray, Brazil. Left in the metropolises , Berlin (Wagenbach, Rotbuch series No. 16) 1970.
  • Keyword Marighela, Carlos (1911-1969) , in: Ian FW Beckett: Encyclopedia of Guerilla Warfare , New York 2001, p. 150f.
  • Christiane Nova / Jorge Nóvoa: Carlos Marighella. O homem por trás do mito , São Paulo (Ed. UNESP - Univ. Estadual Paulista) 1999. ISBN 85-7139-262-5
  • Frederick Nunn: The time of the generals. Latin American professional militarism in world perspective , Lincoln / London (University of Nebraska) 1992. ISBN 0-8032-3334-5
  • Fernando Portela: Guerra de guerrilhas no Brasil , São Paulo (Global Ed.) 1979.
  • Marco Aurélio Vannucchi Leme de Mattos: Carlos Marighella , in: Rebeldes brasileiros. Homens e mulheres que desafiaram o poder , Vol. 2 São Paulo (Casa Amarela Ed.) O. J. [approx. 2001-2002], pp. 402-415. ISBN 85-86821-30-6
  • Marco Aurélio Vannucchi L. de Mattos / Walter Cruz Swensson jr .: Contra os inimigos da ordem. A repressão política do regime militar brasileiro , Rio de Janeiro (Ed. DP & A) 2003. ISBN 85-7490-235-7

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Tobias Rupprecht : The love of the left for Latin America. From the radical chic of the 19th century to solidarity in Nicaragua , in: Le Monde Diplomatique 11 (2010),,a0049.idx , 15