Carlos Ramos Rivas

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Carlos Enrique Ramos Rivas (born September 23, 1959 , Mérida ) is a member of the National Assembly of Venezuela for the state of Mérida . He is an economist .


Carlos Ramos studied economics at the Universidad de los Andes . He later completed a master's degree in political science and postgraduate studies in construction design at the same university.

Political work

He is a member of the social democratic party Un Nuevo Tiempo . He was elected with 65.36% of the vote during the 2010 election. Carlos Ramos Rivas has repeatedly accused the Chavez government of corruption . Above all, he criticizes the fact that the national government has not declared the use of over 29 billion dollars of FONDEN, a fund for the sustainable development of Venezuela.

Individual evidence

  1. Results of the elections in the state of Mérida (2010)
  2. ↑ The MP demands that the government explain the use of $ 29 billion

Web links