Carlos Simpson

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Carlos Tschudi Simpson (born June 30, 1962 ) is an American mathematician who studies algebraic geometry .

Simpson received his PhD in 1987 from Harvard University under Wilfried Schmid ( Systems of Hodge Bundles and Uniformization ). He was a professor at the University of Toulouse Paul Sabatier and then at the University of Nice . He is the research director of the CNRS . He deals with modular spaces of vector bundles, higher non-Abelian De Rham cohomology (Hodge theory), theory of higher categories and verification of proofs with computers (for example he wrote programs for proofs in Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory in the program system Coq). In his dissertation he introduced Higgs bundles at the same time as Nigel Hitchin .

The Deligne-Simpson problem is named after him and Pierre Deligne , an algebraic problem in connection with monodrome matrices. In 1998 he found a counterexample to a work by Wladimir Wojewodski and Michail Kapranow from 1989 on -groupoids and homotopy types.

In 1991 he became a Sloan Research Fellow . He was invited speaker at the 1990 International Congress of Mathematicians in Kyoto ( Nonabelian Hodge Theory ). In 2015 he received the Sophie Germain Prize .


  • Constructing variations of Hodge Structure using Yang-Mills-Theory and applications to Uniformization. J. AMS 1, 1988, 867-918.
  • Transcendental Aspects of the Riemann-Hilbert Correspondence. Illinois J. Math., 34, 1990, 368-391.
  • Harmonic bundles on non compact curves. J. AMS 3, 1990, 713-770.
  • Higgs bundles and local systems. Pub. Math. IHES 75, 1992, 5-95, numdam .
  • Modules of representations of the fundamental group of a smooth projective variety. 1,2, pub. Math. IHES, Volume 79, 1994, 47-129, Volume 80, 1994, 5-79.
  • Subspaces of modular spaces of rank one local systems. Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure, Sér. 4, Volume 26, 1993, pp. 361-401.
  • Asymptotic behavior of monodromy: singularly perturbed differential equations on a Riemann surface. Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Springer Verlag, 1991.
  • Homotopy Theory of Higher Categories: From Segal Categories to N-Categories. Cambridge University Press, 2012.
  • The Hodge Filtration on nonabelian cohomology. Algebraic geometry, Santa Cruz 1995, Proc. Sympos. Pure Math., 62, Part 2, AMS (1997), 217-281.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Carlos Simpson in the Mathematics Genealogy Project (English)Template: MathGenealogyProject / Maintenance / id used
  2. Steven Bradlow, Oscar Garcia-Prada, Peter Gothen What is a Higgs bundle? , Notices AMS, 54, 2007, 980, pdf
  3. Vladimir Kostov The Deligne-Simpson Problem. A survey , 2002
  4. ^ Simpson, Homotopy types of strict 3-groupoids, 1998, Arxiv
  5. Homotopy hypotheses, Nlab
  6. Voevodsky, Kapranov, -Groupoids and homotopy types , Cahiers de topologie et géometrie différentielle catégoriques, Volume 32, 1991, pp. 29–46, pdf (Numdam)