Nigel Hitchin

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Nigel James Hitchin (born August 2, 1946 in Holbrook , Derbyshire , England) is an English mathematician who studied differential geometry , algebraic geometry and mathematical physics .

Hitchin 2016

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Nigel Hitchin studied from 1965 at Jesus College in Oxford , where he made his bachelor's degree in 1968. In 1969 he received his diploma at the Wolfson College of the University of Oxford , where he in 1972 Michael Atiyah received his doctorate. From 1971 to 1973 he was at the Institute for Advanced Study and 1973/74 at the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences of New York University . He was then a Research Fellow at Oxford and from 1979 tutor, lecturer and fellow at St Catherine's College in Oxford . In 1990 he became a professor at the University of Warwick and from 1994 Rouse Ball professor at Cambridge and a fellow at Gonville and Caius College . Since 1997 he has been Savilian Professor of Geometry at Oxford (succeeding Atiyah) and Fellow of New College, Oxford .

For example, Hitchin worked on the connection between integrable systems of mathematical physics and algebraic geometry, for example in the Atiyah-Drinfeld-Hitchin-Manin construction (ADHM construction) of instantons from 1977 with Atiyah, Yuri Manin , Vladimir Drinfeld ( The construction of instantons . Physics Letters A, vol. 65, 1978, pp 185-187).

In 1974 he published the Hitchin-Thorpe inequality between the Euler characteristic and the signature of a manifold that four-dimensional (smooth, compact) manifolds that carry an Einstein metric must satisfy: in the case of equality, he showed that a flat torus, a Calabi -Yau manifold or a quotient of both.

In 1998 he became an Honorary Fellow of Jesus College, Oxford. In 1991 he was elected to the Royal Society , which awarded him the New Year's Eve Medal in 2000 . From 1994 to 1996 he was President of the London Mathematical Society , from which he received the Whitehead Prize in 1981 , the Senior Berwick Prize in 1990 and the Pólya Prize in 2002 . In 2016 he was awarded the Shaw Prize . Since 1993 he has been a member of the Academia Europaea .

Nigel Hitchin is editor of the journal Mathematische Annalen .

His students include Simon Donaldson (whom he mentored with Atiyah), Jacques Hurtubise and Simon Salamon .

Hitchin (center) with Karen Uhlenbeck (right) at IHES 2007

In 1983 he was invited speaker at the International Congress of Mathematicians in Warsaw ( The geometry of monopoles ). In 2018 he was on the Fields Medal Award Committee .


  • Monopoles, minimal surfaces and algebraic curves. Montreal 1987.
  • with Graeme Segal , Richard S. Ward : Integrable systems: Twistors, Loop Groups and Riemann surfaces. Oxford 1999.
  • Global Differential geometry , in Björn Engquist, Wilfried Schmid (editor) Mathematics unlimited , Springer 2001

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Hitchin On compact four-dimensional Einstein manifolds , J. Diff. Geom. 9 (1974) pp. 435-442, 1969 previously heard of John A. Thorpe found