Gonville and Caius College

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Gonville and Caius College
founding 1348: Gonville Hall
1557: Gonville & Caius
Sponsorship University of Cambridge
place Cambridge
master Sir Christopher Hum
Students 475
postgraduates : 230
Website www.cai.cam.ac.uk
Gate of Honor in Caius Court

The Gonville and Caius College is the fourth oldest college of the British University of Cambridge . It is also known by the name Caius (pronounced Keys ).


The college was founded in 1348 by Edmund Gonville under the name Gonville Hall . In 1557 the college was founded a second time under the name Gonville & Caius College after a generous donation from the English court doctor and former student John Caius . John Caius was a master of the college from 1559 until shortly before his death in 1573.

The college first accepted women as students and faculty in 1979. Today the college has around 100 teachers, 200 employees and over 700  students .

Famous members and alumni

Web links

Commons : Gonville and Caius College  - collection of images, videos, and audio files

Coordinates: 52 ° 12 '21.4 "  N , 0 ° 7' 3.3"  E