Carmen de Burgos

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Carmen de Burgos
Portrait of Julio Romero de Torres , 1917

Carmen de Burgos y Seguí (pseudonyms Colombine , Gabriel Luna , Perico el de los Palotes , Raquel , Honorine and Marianela ; born December 10, 1867 in Almería ; † October 9, 1932 ) was a Spanish journalist , author , translator and women's rights activist . Johnson describes her as a "modern" if not a "modernist" writer.

Early childhood

She was born in Almeria in 1867 as the daughter of a middle-class family in which her father owned a gold mine. Her father José de Burgos Cañizares and her uncle Ferdinand were responsible for the Portuguese Vice Consulate in Almeria. Her mother, Nicosia Segui Nieto, came into the marriage with a considerable inheritance.


She escaped her family when she met Arturo Asterz Bustos. He was fifteen years her senior and was a poet, writer, and alcoholic. Her new husband made money as a typesetter in the family newspaper, but she quickly discovered that this should be her job. She and Arturo were unhappily married for 17 years and had four children, only one of whom survived. In 1898 her young son died, and she enrolled in the local college for a teaching diploma. She made rapid progress and within a year she was qualified for primary education. At the end of 1898 she was qualified for secondary school instruction and in 1900 for teacher instruction. Armed with her new achievements, she could expect lifelong employment. She and her remaining daughter left their abusive and unfaithful husband behind and started their own home in Guadalajara , where their first book was written. During this time she had learned to write for a living, she had fought for her independence, and she had developed a contempt for the institution of marriage. Burgos considered herself a feminist , but her gender meant her writings were not considered when evaluating Spanish (male) modernism.

Burgos, however, nominally created a number of novels for the "weekly novel market," which was popular in the early 20th century. Burgos' novels, however, dealt with legal and political issues. Her novels dealt with taboo subjects such as male and female homosexuality and transvestism . She highlighted the dual values ​​used in accusing women of adulterous behavior while forgiving the participation of men. Women were given responsibility for children out of wedlock, and the law overlooked the abuse some women were subjected to in their marriages. Burgos was found to address controversial issues related to gender, law and rights, but her writing did not provide a solution. She introduced readers to the discrepancy between traditional values ​​in women's education and modern life. Burgos, however, portrayed difficult issues as a dramatic event and by 1904 she had led a campaign to improve the availability of divorce .


In 1906, Burgos became the first professional journalist in Spain to act as editor of Madrid's Diario Universal. She was the first president of the International League of Iberian and Latin American Women (Liga Internacional de Mujeres Ibéricas e Hispanoamericanas). Carmen de Burgos was struck from the history books in Spain during the dictatorship of General Franco . After the restoration of democracy, it was recognized again and included in the history of women's rights in Spain.

Selected Works

Essays and other works

  • 1900: Ensayos literarios
  • 1901: Álbum artístico literario del siglo XX
  • 1901: Notas del alma (colección de coplas populares)
  • 1904: El divorcio en España
  • 1906: La mujer en España
  • 1906: Por Europa
  • 1911: La voz de los muertos
  • 1911: Leopardi
  • 1911: Misión social de la mujer
  • 1912: Cartas sin destinatario
  • 1913: Al balcón
  • 1914: Impresiones de Argentina
  • 1916: Confidencias de artistas
  • 1917: Peregrinaciones
  • 1917: Mis viajes por Europa
  • 1917: ¿Quiere usted comer bien?
  • 1919: Fígaro
  • 1920: La Emperatriz Eugenia
  • 1929: Hablando con los descendientes
  • 1931: Gloriosa vida y desdichada muerte de D. Rafael del Riego
  • Amadís de Gaula , s. a.


  • 1909: Los inadaptados
  • 1917: La rampa
  • 1918: El último contrabandista
  • 1919: Los anticuarios
  • 1922: El retorno
  • 1923: La malcasada
  • 1923: Los espirituados
  • 1924: La mujer fantástica
  • 1925: El tío de todos
  • 1931: Quiero vivir mi vida
  • Los anticuarios.

Short stories

  • 1900: Ensayos literarios
  • 1905: Alucinación
  • El anhelo
  • El abogado
  • El artículo 438
  • Cuentos: El tesoro del castillo
  • Cuentos de Colombine
  • En la guerra
  • Honor de familia


  • 1904: Historia de mi vida (muda, sorda y ciega)
  • 1904: La guerra ruso-japonesa
  • 1904: La inferioridad mental de la mujer
  • 1904: Loca por razón de Estado
  • 1904: Los Evangelios y la segunda generación cristiana
  • 1905: La Iglesia cristiana
  • 1906: Diez y seis años en Siberia
  • 1906: En el mundo de las mujeres
  • 1908: El rey sin corona
  • 1911: La conquista de un Imperio
  • 1911: Los misterios de la india
  • 1911–1913: La corona de olivo silvestre
  • 1913: Fisiología del placer
  • 1913: Las mañanas en Florencia
  • 1913: Las piedras de Venecia
  • 1913: Las siete lámparas de la arquitectura
  • 1913: Los pintores modernos. El paisaje
  • 1914: Cuentos a Maxa
  • 1915: El reposo de San Marcos. Historia de Venecia
  • 1916: La Biblia de Amiens
  • 1917: La decisión
  • 1917: Una idea de parisiense por página
  • 1919: La perseverancia
  • 1910: Defnis y Cloe
  • 1913: Los últimos filibusteros
  • La princesa muda , p. a.
  • El tío Geromo (Crainqueville)
  • Cuentistas italianos

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Roberta Johnson: Carmen de Burgos and Spanish Modernism . In: South Central Review (=  Spain Modern and Postmodern at the Millenium ). tape 18 , no. 1/2 , 2001, p. 66-77 , doi : 10.2307 / 3190302 (English).
  2. a b Carmen de Burgos "La Colombine". In: Archived from the original on December 31, 2010 ; accessed on September 3, 2020 (English).
  3. a b c d Anja Louis: Women and the law: Carmen de Burgos, an early feminist . Támesis, Woodbridge 2005, ISBN 1855661217 , p. 4.
  4. Catherine Davies: Spanish Women's Writings 2000, ISBN 0567559580 , pp. 117-119.
  5. a b ed. By Harriet Turner: The Cambridge companion to the Spanish novel from 1600 to the present , [Online edition] .. Edition, Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge 2003, ISBN 0521778158 , p. 160.
  6. ^ Bonnie G. Smith: The Oxford Encyclopedia of Women in World History . Oxford University Press, 2008, ISBN 978-0-19-514890-9 , p. 601.
  7. Texto de La mujer fantástica en la ESD
  8. Texto de Los anticuarios en ESD