Caroline Bernstein

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Caroline Bernstein (born July 8, 1797 in Berlin ; † September 18, 1838 there ) was a German writer . She also wrote under the pseudonym E. Karoli .


Caroline Bernstein was born as the daughter of a businessman in Berlin. She was orphaned early and was sickly from an early age. She had a close friendship with the poet Franz Christoph Horn . She nursed him shortly before his death and after his death in 1837 wrote a biography of the writer, which appeared in 1839. Caroline Bernstein wrote numerous articles for various magazines, for example the travel report Some About Poland in the Partner in 1821 and articles for Friedrich de la Motte Fouqué's Berlinische Blätter around 1830 .

In 1827, Caroline Bernstein took part in a so-called price acquisition , which was advertised by Friedrich Wilhelm Gubitz and an association bookstore. Prize-worthy "original comedies" were sought for the competition and should be written in German. The winner received 50 Friedrich d'or . In addition, his play was printed in the yearbook of German stage plays , as the German-speaking theater should also be actively promoted through the competition. Among the judges in 1827 were Karl August Varnhagen von Ense and Friedrich August von Staegemann . Caroline Bernstein won first prize in 1827 with her one-act comedy The Bringed Hour, or: Gellert in a dressing gown , however, had to share first place with Stephan Schütze ( What the idea does! ). Her piece then appeared in the Jahrbuch deutscher Bühnenspiele for 1831 and made Caroline Bernstein known, even if Friedrich Wilhelm Gubitz stated in his memoir that the jury originally "did not consider any of the many drama poems sent in as worthy of prizes".

Caroline Bernstein, who wrote other comedies after Gellert in her dressing gown , was also active as an actress. She died in Berlin in 1838.


  • Something about Poland. (1821)
  • Poems by Karoline B. Edited by W. Schnitter. Association bookstore, Berlin 1829.
  • The hour brought in or: Gellert in a dressing gown. Original comedy in one act, based on an anecdote. By E. Karoli. In: Jahrbuch deutscher Bühnenspiele, ed. by Carl v. Holtei. 10th year 1831.
  • To each his own (comedy, 1832)
  • The Knights of Ophelia. Novella by E. Karoli. Langewiesche, Iserlohn 1833.
  • The castle without stairs (story, 1833)
  • The foundation of Herrnhut. Story by E. Karoli. Hayn, Berlin 1823.
  • The St. John's Blessing (Dramatic Joke, 1833)
  • Rembrandt's masterpiece (1834)
  • Franz Horn: A biographical monument. Brockhaus, Leipzig 1839. ( digitized version )
  • Frederick the Great as the founder of family happiness. True events in 7 stories. From Dr. Bertram [d. i. Georg Julius v. Schultz], E. Karoli and A. v. Sartorius. Verein Buchhandlung, Berlin, 2nd edition, 1841.


  • Heinrich Groß: Germany's poets and writers . Gerold, Vienna 1882, p. 265.
  • Elisabeth Friedrichs: The German-speaking women writers of the 18th and 19th centuries . Metzler, Stuttgart 1981, p. 24.
  • Susanne Kord: A look behind the scenes. German-speaking playwrights in the 18th and 19th centuries . Metzler, Stuttgart 1992, p. 334.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Friedrich Wilhelm Gubitz: Experiences: After memories and records . Volume 1. Verein Buchhandlung, Berlin 1868, p. 229.
  2. No copy can be found
  3. No copy can be found
  4. No copy can be found
  5. No copy can be found
  6. No copy can be found

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