Carsten Kehrein

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Carsten Kehrein (born October 9, 1973 in Neuwied ) is a German glass designer who has specialized in the development of industrially manufactured drinking glasses .


Carsten Kehrein began his training in 1990 at the glass school in Rheinbach . After graduating, his career path took him to the design studio of Rastal GmbH & Co. KG in Höhr-Grenzhausen in 1994 . Since 2001, as chief designer, he has been developing exclusive glasses for national and international brands - trend-setting and formative for the beverage world. Kehrein designed glasses for Absolut , Bacardi , Lipton Ice Tea , Havana Club , Krombacher , Ramazzotti , Warsteiner , Pepsi . He has received numerous awards at home and abroad for his creations. In 2011 he staged an art object made of 13,624 drinking glasses at the Federal Garden Show in Koblenz.

Awards (selection)


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Miriam Leunissen-Weikl: drinking glass 2.0 , brewing industry, year 2008, issue 3, p. 28.
  2. a b c Miriam Leunissen-Weikl: Brand Building 2.0 , Brewing and Beverage Industry International, Volume 2008, Issue 5, p. 46.
  3. ^ Federal Horticultural Show Glaskunstwerk , Rhine region, June 6, 2011.