Cartodere nodifer

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Cartodere nodifer
Cartodere nodifer, dorsal view

Cartodere nodifer , dorsal view

Superfamily : Cucujoidea
Family : Mold beetle (Latridiidae)
Subfamily : Latridiinae
Genre : Cartodere
Subgenus : Aridius
Type : Cartodere nodifer
Scientific name
Cartodere nodifer
( Westwood , 1839)
Cartodere nodifer

Cartodere nodifer syn. Cartodere nodifera , also known as Black Brown ribs Moder beetle called, is a beetle from the family of Moder beetle (Latridiidae).


The beetles are 1.5–2.2 mm long. They have a dark brown to black basic color. The type of beetle is easy to determine from the pronounced ribs on the wing covers . The elytra are relatively wide compared to related species. The keels of the spaces between the wing tops are serpentine. Legs and antennae are reddish in color. There is a tooth on the inside of the rear rails. The antennae is tripartite.


Cartodere nodifer is native to the Australasian region . The beetle species was introduced to England in the mid-19th century. The first records in Germany date from 1870. Cartodere nodifer was introduced to North America towards the end of the 19th century. Cartodere nodifer is considered a cosmopolitan . The beetle species has now spread across Europe and is common in Central Europe.

Way of life

Cartodere nodifer is considered a cultural follower . The beetles are often found in barns and stables, on compost, on modern wood, as well as in insect nests and structures made by various rodents. The beetles feed on mold . The beetles can be seen all year round.


The following synonyms can be found in the literature :

  • Lathridius nodifer Westwood , 1839
  • Aridius nodulosus Motschulsky , 1866
  • Lathridius marginalis Broun , 1880
  • Lathridius sculpturates Broun , 1880
  • Lathridius humilis Rey , 1889
  • Lathridius rufescens Delahon , 1913
  • Aridius nodifer
  • Coninomus nodifer

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b c Karl Wilhelm Harde, František Severa: Der Kosmos-Käferführer. The Central European beetle. Franckh-Kosmos, Stuttgart 2000, ISBN 3-440-06959-1 .
  2. a b c d e Species Cartodere nodifera - Swollen Fungus Beetle . Retrieved February 16, 2019.
  3. a b c d Arved Lompe: Beetles of Europe - Cartodere . Retrieved February 16, 2019.
  4. a b Heinz Freude, Karl Wilhelm Harde, Gustav Adolf Lohse (ed.): Die Käfer Mitteleuropas . tape 7 . Clavicornia. Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Munich 1967, ISBN 3-8274-0681-1 .
  5. a b c Karel Hurka: Beetles of the Czech and Slovak Republics . Kabourek, Zlin 2005, ISBN 80-86447-11-1 , p. 224.
  6. a b Jiři Zahradnik, Irmgard Jung, Dieter Jung et al .: Käfer of Central and Northwestern Europe . Parey Berlin 1985, ISBN 3-490-27118-1 , p. 224.
  7. a b Cartodere (Aridius) nodifer (Westwood, 1839) in Fauna Europaea. Retrieved February 16, 2019
  8. a b Klaus Koch: The Beetles of Central Europe - Ecology - Volume 2 . Goecke & Evers Verlag, Krefeld, 1989, ISBN 3-87263-040-7 , p. 297.

Web links

Commons : Cartodere nodifer  - collection of images, videos and audio files