Castanopsis purpurea

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Castanopsis purpurea
Eurosiden I
Order : Beech-like (Fagales)
Family : Beech family (Fagaceae)
Genre : Mock chestnuts ( Castanopsis )
Type : Castanopsis purpurea
Scientific name
Castanopsis purpurea

Castanopsis purpurea is a species of tree fromthe beech family (Fagaceae) that occurs in Southeast Asia. The nuts are edible.


Castanopsis purpurea is a tree .

The fruit cups (cupulae) are covered with branched spines . They partially cover the skin of the fruit cup and are densely hairy. The fruit cups have a diameter including spikes of at least four centimeters. They are entire and covered in the inner area with soft, velvety white hair. The fruit stalk is two to five millimeters long.

Flowering time is February to November, mostly March to August. The fruit ripens from July to October.

Distribution and locations

The species is endemic to Thailand . It grows in lowland rainforests, deeper mountain forests, dry evergreen forests and mixed deciduous forests, often on rivers at 50 to 1300 m above sea level, mostly at 200 to 800 m.

supporting documents

  • Chamlong Phengklai: A synoptic account of the Fagaceae of Thailand . Thai Forest Bulletin 2006, Volume 34, pp. 53-175. ISSN  0495-3843