Catan: The Rise of the Inca

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Catan: The Rise of the Inca
Game data
author Klaus Teuber , Benjamin Teuber
graphic Martin Hoffmann , Michaela Kienle ,
Claus Stephan
publishing company Kosmos , Catan Studios , u. a.
Publishing year 2018
Art Board game
Teammates 3 to 4
Duration about 90 minutes
Age from 12 years

Catan: The Rise of the Inka is a board game by Klaus Teuber and his son Benjamin, published in 2018 by Kosmos-Verlag . It is an independent variant of Teuber's game The Settlers of Catan , which was thematically set in the empire and the time of the Inca .

Theme and equipment

Like the game The Settlers of Catan , Catan: The Rise of the Inca is a resource management and construction game in which settlements, cities and roads have to be built with existing raw materials. The game mechanics essentially correspond to that of The Settlers of Catan , however the game is played over three epochs, whereby the cities and settlements of the players decay after the end of an epoch and the civilization has to be rebuilt with a new tribe. Trade goods (fish, coca and feathers) that can only be traded are also introduced as new elements . The first player to reach eleven development points and thus lead his 3rd tribe to success wins the game.

The components of Catan: The Rise of the Inca consist of the instructions and an almanac :

  • 29 landscape fields, which are combined to form a game board,
  • eight frame parts for the game board,
  • 27 number chips,
  • 100 resource cards,
  • 36 trade cards,
  • 20 development cards,
  • four tribal boards and 44 development markers,
  • two advantage cards (Longest Trade Route and Greatest Martial Art)
  • four overview maps,
  • 68 pawns in four player colors (8 settlements, 2 cities and 7 streets each),
  • 16 thicket figures,
  • a robber figure,
  • two dice,
  • three card holders.

Style of play

Game preparation

At the beginning of the game, the game board is built up from the landscape fields and the frame parts in the middle of the table. The number chips are placed on the landscape spaces. The playing field consists of eight different types of landscape, on which different raw materials or goods can be produced:

  • Forest produces wood
  • Mountains produce ore
  • Quarry produces stone
  • Farmland produces potatoes
  • Pasture land produces wool
  • Primeval forest creates feathers
  • Jungle plantation produces coca
  • Coastal waters produce fish

The robber is placed on any frame part with jungle. Each player chooses a player color and places two settlements and two streets on the field, which represent the start of their civilization. In addition, each player receives four thickets, one of the overview cards and a tribal board. Next to the tribal board, the players place eleven development markers each. The advantage cards “Longest Trade Street” and “Greatest Martial Art” are laid out next to the playing field together with the two dice. The raw material and trade cards are sorted and placed as an open supply in the compartments of the card holder. The development cards are sorted into "1" and "2" according to the back and shuffled separately, then the "1" cards are placed in the card holder and the "2" cards next to it.

With the two settlements that have already been placed, players receive two victory points at the start of the game, which they mark with two development markers on the bottom two spaces of the 1st tribe of the tribal boards. Then they get the first income for one of their two settlements by taking a corresponding resource or trade card from the supply for each landscape space that is adjacent to this settlement. The raw material or trade cards are hidden in the game and thus kept secret. The starting player is rolled.

Rules of the game

Phases per round
  • Yield phase
  • Construction and trading phase

The game essentially corresponds to the model The Settlers of Catan in terms of its playing style and mechanics . Beginning with the starting player, one player throws both dice and whenever one or more of the players own a settlement or later a city on a landscape space on which a corresponding number chip with the rolled number is located, they get one (or with one City two) Raw material or trade cards from the supply that you put into your hand. If a “7” is rolled, neither player receives resources. Instead, in this case, each player with seven or more cards in hand must discard half of their resource and trade cards (rounded down). In addition, the active player must move the robber figure to another land space that produces raw materials. He steals a card from a player who owns a settlement or city on this space, then the active player continues his turn.

After this revenue phase, the active player can then use cards from his hand in any order to build a settlement, city or street according to the raw material costs indicated on the overview card, to buy a development card or to do trade. When trading, the player has several options:

  1. The player can exchange raw materials and trade goods with all players by telling them which raw materials or trade goods he needs and what he is willing to give up for them. The other players are allowed to negotiate the prices, but are only allowed to trade with the currently active player and not with each other.
  2. The player can put three of the same resource cards in the supply and take any resource or trade card.
  3. Trade goods can only be exchanged for raw materials or other trade goods. If the player puts two of the same trade goods in the supply, he may take any resource or trade goods card. If he puts three different commodities in the supply, he may take any two raw material or commodity cards.

The following options are available when building:

  1. Construction of a road for one wood and one stone card. The roads are built on paths on the edges of the landscape tiles and must be connected to at least one other road, settlement or city, and they may not be attached to another settlement or city. Only one road may be built on each path, there are no paths between the jungle fields.
  2. Build a settlement for one wood, one stone, one potato and one wool card. Settlements are built at an intersection to which at least one separate road leads. A settlement may only be built on an intersection if the three adjacent intersections are not occupied by settlements or cities. A settlement earns the owner simple income from adjacent landscape fields, if the number of the field is rolled, as well as a victory point, which is marked accordingly with a marker on the tribal board.
  3. Build a city for two potato and three ore cards. Cities are built where their own settlement already exists and replace them. A settlement earns the owner double the income from adjacent landscape spaces, if the number of the space is rolled, as well as two victory points together with the already existing victory point for the settlement, which are marked accordingly with a marker on the tribal board. A player can only build one city for each tribe.

The player who has the longest continuous street with at least three streets receives the “Longest trade route” advantage card and may exchange any two raw material or trade cards for any other raw material or trade card once in his trade and construction phase. As soon as another player has a longer trade route, he receives the advantage card.

Instead of building, a player can buy a development card for a potato, wool and ore card. He draws the top development card from the supply in the card holder and keeps the card secret until it is used. When all players have each completed a tribe, the “2” cards are placed in the card holder under any “1” cards that may still be present. The active player may also play a development card at any time during his turn. If he plays a martial arts card, he moves the robber as if he rolled a “7” and is also allowed to steal a card. The players place the played martial arts cards face up in front of them and for each openly displayed martial arts card the player is allowed to keep one more raw material or trade card in hand if the player rolls a “7”. If a player has two martial arts cards face up, he receives the “greatest martial arts” advantage card. The owner of this card may move the robber to one of the jungle spaces of the frame once in his own turn, provided he is on a space that is adjacent to a settlement or city of the player. If he does this, he may take the raw material from the field on which the robber stood. He may use the card advantage at any time, even before rolling the dice. As soon as another player has more martial arts cards face up in front of him, he takes the advantage card.

Tribal development and end of the game

The main difference to The Settlers of Catan is that each player builds up several races and at the end of an era they give up the settlements and cities of the previous people in order to support a new one. Each player has the task of developing three tribes one after the other. When the development goal of a tribe is achieved, its decline follows and the buildings become overgrown with thickets. The development goals of the first and second tribes are reached when the fourth development stage is reached, so the player must have four settlements or two settlements and one city. The development goal of the third strain is achieved after a further three development points. The player who succeeds in this wins the game.

A strain that has achieved its development goal is no longer developed. When a player has reached 4 development points with his first tribe, he leaves it to decline. He removes all streets and covers each of his buildings with thickets. If the player reaches the development goal of the second trunk, he first clears all overgrown buildings of his first trunk that are still on the playing field, then he lets the second trunk fall down analogously to the first. Any overgrown settlement or city of a declining tribe still yields income if the number of an adjacent space is rolled, and if a player places the robber on a space that is adjacent to such a settlement, he may continue to give one to the owner of that settlement Steal card. Abandoned settlements and cities that are overgrown with thickets can be built over by all players. No other road may be built on a road that leads to an overgrown building. Only when the declining building has been replaced with its own new settlement, further roads may be built on adjacent open paths.

After the decline of a people, a player ends his turn by founding the first settlement of his new tribe free of charge. The player must place this on a free intersection and he must also observe the distance rule to overgrown settlements and cities. He is also not allowed to place it on an intersection to which another player has led a road and on which he could build a settlement. However, it is allowed to place the settlement on an intersection next to a settlement building site of another player and thus hinder him with the distance rule when building. He gets no road and no raw materials for his new people.

If a player manages to achieve the development goal of his third tribe with three development points and thus has placed a total of 11 development markers on the tribal board, he wins the game.

Development and reception

The game Catan: The Rise of the Inka was developed by Klaus Teuber and his son Benjamin on the basis of the classic The Settlers of Catan and appeared at the International Game Days 2018 in Essen after it was presented at the Nuremberg Toy Fair in the same year . Kosmos published the game in German and French ( Catan: La Gloire des Incas ), while it was published at the same time by Catan Studios in English ( Catan Histories: Rise of the Inka ). At the same time, the game was published by Piatnik in Hungarian, by Devir in Spanish, by Galakta in Polish and by Swan Panasia in Chinese.


The mini-scenario “The High Priests of the Inca” appeared for the game, consisting of 5 high priest cards and a rule card. These bring the players a unique advantage in the game, e.g. B. determine the roll of the dice.

supporting documents

  1. a b c d e f g h i j k l m Instructions for the game Catan: The Rise of the Inka , Kosmos Verlag 2018
  2. Versions of Catan: The Rise of the Inca in the BoardGameGeek game database (English); accessed on March 15, 2019.

Web links