Catharose de Petri

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Catharose de Petri

Catharose de Petri ( pseudonym for Henriette Stok-Huizer ; * 1902 ; † 1990 ) was a Dutch author of several writings in the Lectorium Rosicrucianum (LR), of which she was a member since 1935. After the Second World War it was from the elementary school teacher Antonin Gadal to Archdeacon Esse appointed by the judge, the Deputy Grand Master it was later.


Stok-Huizer's pseudonym Catharose de Petri , was accepted within the organization and combines Cathar ( Catha ), Rosicrucian ( Rose ) and the stone ( Petri ).

Catharose de Petri surrounded herself in the hierarchy of the Lectorium Rosicrucianum (LR) with the nimbus of being a voluntarily incarnated messenger of the " Brotherhood of Shamballa ". Shamballa is located in the Gobi desert according to the doctrine of the LR .

On October 17, 1965, Jan van Rijckenborgh had appointed his son, Henk Leene , as his successor as Grand Master of the LR. His closest colleague, Catharose de Petri, and the Spiritual Direction of the LR initially did not want to recognize this decision, which is why there were disputes in the leadership for years. Rijckenborgh insisted until his death that there would be no “Grand Master” in the LR and insisted on appointing his son as “Grand Master” because this was the wish of the invisible “Brotherhood”. A power struggle that lasted for years then began, which is why Rijckenborgh resignedly said that his work had probably been in vain. After Rijckenborgh's death on July 17, 1968, he was succeeded first by his son Henk and then by his daughter Els Hamelink-Leene. In the following years de Petri prevailed as Grand Master within the LR, although this title was initially controversial for her because Antonin Gadal had only referred to her as an employee ( archdeaconess ) at the time, and only Rijckenborgh von Gadal had been awarded the title of Grand Master.


After the Second World War she published several writings of the Lectorium Rosicrucianum, which contain many Gnostic and neo-Nazi allusions. Horst E. Miers , the author of the Lexicon of Secret Knowledge , has observed that Catharose de Petri appears as a co-author of several of Rijckenborgh's books only in the new editions after his death.

Publications (selection of works published in German)

  • Transfiguration
  • The seal of renewal
  • Seven voices speak
  • The golden rose cross
  • The living word
  • Reveille!
  • The Apocalypse of the New Age

Together with Jan van Rijckenborgh :

  • The brotherhood of Shamballa
  • The universal path
  • The great upheaval
  • The universal gnosis
  • The Chinese Gnosis (Commentary on the Tao Te King )
  • The light dress of the new person

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Horst E. Miers : Lexicon of secret knowledge. Goldmann Verlag, Munich 1993, ISBN 3-442-12179-5 . P. 482.
  2. ^ Tobias Churton: The Invisible History of the Rosicrucians: The World's Most Mysterious Secret Society. Inner Traditions Publishing, Rochester, Vermont 2009. p. 511. ISBN 978-1594772559 .
  3. Harald Lamprecht , Neue Rosenkreuzer , Göttingen 2004, p. 256.
  4. Rudolf Passian: Light and shadow of esotericism. Droemersche Verlagsanstalt Th. Knaur Nachf., Munich 1991, pp. 422-423.
  5. ^ Friedrich-Wilhelm Haack: Secret religion of the knowing. Neo-Nostic Movements Working Group for Religious and Weltanschauung questions, 7th edition, Munich 1989, p. 43.
  6. Evangelical Central Office for Weltanschauungsfragen: EZW-Information No. 71. Stuttgart XI / 1977, pp. 13–14, 29–32, 23. PDF download: [1] (PDF; 494 kB)
  7. Horst E. Miers: Lexicon of secret knowledge. Goldmann Verlag, Munich 1993, ISBN 3-442-12179-5 . P. 482.
  8. ^ Hans-Jürgen Ruppert : Rosicrucian. Heinrich Hugendubel Verlag, Kreuzlingen / Munich 2004, ISBN 3-7205-2533-3 , pp. 68-71.
  9. Harald Lamprecht, Neue Rosenkreuzer , Göttingen 2004, pp. 260, 286–289 ff.
  10. Evangelical Central Office for Weltanschauung questions: EZW-Information No. 71. Stuttgart XI / 1977, p. 32 PDF download: [2] (PDF; 494 kB)
  11. Horst E. Miers: Lexicon of secret knowledge. Goldmann Verlag, Munich 1993, ISBN 3-442-12179-5 . Page 482 and pages 373-377.
  12. Harald Lamprecht, Neue Rosenkreuzer , Göttingen 2004, pp. 286–288.