Cay Folkers

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Cay Folkers (born December 24, 1942 in Hamburg ) is a German economist.


His father was also a scientist. Cay Folkers first studied economics at the Free University of Berlin in 1967 and then obtained his doctorate in 1971. rer. pole. at the University of Hamburg. He received his habilitation and the Venia legendi in economics at the University of Hamburg in 1976. After accepting a professorship in Stuttgart-Hohenheim, he accepted a position at the Ruhr University in Bochum in 1993 , where he held the chair of public finance at the Faculty of Economics there until 2007, which has not been filled since then. In 1996 and 1997 he was dean of the faculty.


Folkers regularly spends research stays in the USA, especially with James M. Buchanan (1986 Nobel Prize in Economics) and specializes in research and teaching on models of the New Political Economy and Public Choice.

Publications (selection)

  • Linear programming of state activity , dissertation, Hamburg 1971
  • Distribution of wealth and state activity - On the theory of distributive processes in the intervention state , habilitation thesis Hamburg 1976, Lang Verlag, Frankfurt / M. 1981
  • Dynamic incidence and economic growth , in: Contributions to the discussion from the Institute for Economics at the University of Hohenheim, No. 1/1980
  • The compensation function of the European budget , discussion contributions No. 4, Institute for European Economy, Bochum 1994
  • New standards in the European Union: Limits for national debt and government quota through the Maastricht Treaty and its amendments , in: Discussion contributions by the Institute for European Economy, Issue 25, Bochum 1999 and proceedings for the 33rd university course in financial policy, University of Innsbruck 1999
  • Political economy and reform of the European budget and financial system , in: H. Hegemann, KJB Neumärker, ed., The European Union from a political and economic perspective, Marburg 2002

Web links

Individual evidence
