Cayetano Alberto de la Barrera

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Cayetano Alberto de la Barrera (born August 7, 1815 in Madrid ; † October 30, 1872 ibid) was a Spanish bibliographer , Romance scholar , Hispanist and literary scholar.

The grave of Cayetano Alberto de la Barrera in the Panteon of the Royal Academy in the Almudena Cemetery.
The Panteon of famous writers (reburial of abandoned cemeteries) from 1922 in the Almudena cemetery in Madrid.

life and work

Cayetano Alberto de la Barrera y Leirado studied in Madrid, worked as a pharmacist and also a private scholar in Spanish literary history. He bought numerous manuscripts and published catalogs and biographies that have recently been reprinted.

Barrera was a student of Bartolomé José Gallardo . He was friends with the bibliophile and academician Francisco de Borja Pavón y López (1814-1904), also with Juan Eugenio Hartzenbusch and Manuel Cañete , and worked with John Rutter Chorley .


  • Catálogo bibliográfico y biográfico del teatro antiguo español desde sus orígenes hasta mediados del siglo XVIII , Madrid 1860, London 1968, Madrid 1969; Alicante 1999 (Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes)
  • Adiciones à las Poesías de D. Francisco de Rioja en su edición de Madrid, año 1867 , Sevilla 1872
  • Obras de Lope de Vega publicadas por la Real academia española 1, Nueva biografía , Madrid 1890; Nueva biografía de Lope de Vega , 2 vols., Madrid 1973–1974; Alicante 1999 (Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes)
  • Biographies of don José Miguel de Flores y don Joaquín Juan de Flores, in: Boletín de la Real Academia de la Historia 81, 1922; Alicante 2010 (Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes)


  • José Lara Garrido, Riesgo y ventura de un gran bibliógrafo, estudioso del Siglo de Oro. Nuevio perfil de CA de la Barrera, in: Lectura y Signo 1, 2006, pp. 239-297

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