Cedric Masey White

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Cedric Masey White (born October 10, 1898 , †  December 27, 1993 in Ontario ) was a British physicist . He dealt with fluid mechanics and hydraulic engineering.

White was educated at the College of the University of Nottingham . During the First World War he was with the tanks . He was then a research assistant and later a lecturer at King's College London , in 1933 he became a lecturer at Imperial College London . The hydraulic laboratory in the new building showed many of his innovations. White had close ties to the hydraulic engineering industry and worked on construction plans for hydropower plants in Scotland, the Owen Falls Dam in Uganda, on the Little Zab in Iraq, which was dammed up to Lake Dokan. In Scotland he developed a fish ladder for salmon.

In a January 20, 1994 article in The Independent , Professor Sir Alec Skempton wrote that Brian Pippard and White lived almost in the laboratories.