Ceratina callosa

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Ceratina callosa
Class : Insects (Insecta)
Order : Hymenoptera (Hymenoptera)
Superfamily : Apoidea
Family : Apidae
Genre : Keulhorn bees ( Ceratina )
Type : Ceratina callosa
Scientific name
Ceratina callosa
( Fabricius , 1794)

Ceratina callosa is a bee from the family of Apidae .


The bees have a body length of 8 to 10 millimeters (females) or 7 to 10 millimeters (males). The body of the females is mainly colored metallic blue, the head and the mesonotum are partly black. The front plate ( clypeus ) is in the middle, the calli and the splints ( tibia ) at the base are spotted white. The ridge next to the valley groove is rounded from the middle to the back. The horizontal surface of the Propodeum is only angular at the rear towards the Stutz. The males look similar to the females, but their labrum and frontal plate are mostly white. The seventh tergite is not very saddled and has a long edge in the middle.

Occurrence and way of life

The species is found in northwest Africa, Spain, southern France and Italy. In older literature there are also records in Central Europe, which however refer to the species Ceratina chalybea , which was not differentiated at the time . The animals fly in the Mediterranean area from mid-April to late October. The species collects pollen from different plant families. It is not known which cuckoo bees parasitize the species .

supporting documents

Felix Amiet, M. Herrmann, A. Müller, R. Neumeyer: Fauna Helvetica 20: Apidae 5 . Center Suisse de Cartographie de la Faune, 2007, ISBN 978-2-88414-032-4 .