Chama cha Upvamodja na Mugangna wa Massiwa

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Chama cha Upvamodja na Mugangna wa Massiwa (CHUMA) is a political party in the island state of Comoros .


The party was founded in Paris in the 1980s . It emerged from the Comité National de Salut Public (CNSP, German: National Welfare Committee) of Saïd Ali Kemal , from the Front National Uni des Komores (FNUK, German: Front der Nationalen Einheit der Komorien ) and the Union des Komoriens (Unikom, German : Union of Comoros).

CHUMA named Kemal as a candidate for the 1990 presidential election. Kemal came third out of eight candidates with 13.7% of the vote. In the parliamentary elections in 1992 the party won 6.2% of the vote and won 3 of 42 seats. In the elections the following year (1993) she received only one seat.

Kemal briefly served as executive president in 1995 and ran again in 1996 in the presidential elections, this time coming in fourth place out of 15 candidates (8.7%). The party boycotted parliamentary elections later that year.

The party campaigned for a no in the 2001 constitutional referendum, but the new constitution was elected by 77% of voters. Kemal ran again in the 2002 presidential election. Although he came third in the first ballot on Grande Comore and qualified for the national elections, he decided to boycott the election. Before the 2004 parliamentary elections, the party joined the Alliance of Camp des Îles Autonomes , which won 27 out of 33 seats.

In the presidential election of 2006, the party did not put up its own candidate, but supported Ibrahim Halidi from the Mouvement pour les Comores (German: Movement for the Comoros). Kemal was one of his direct helpers. Halidi finished second in the election. In the 2010 presidential election, the party supported the victorious Ikililou Dhoinine . CHUMA received only 277 votes in the general election and didn't even get a single seat.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e Tom Lansford: Political Handbook of the World 2016-2017 . CQ Press, Thousand Oaks, California 2017, ISBN 978-1-5063-2715-0 , pp. 326 (English, [accessed June 28, 2019]).
  2. ^ A b Elections in the Comoros African Elections Database.