Chares from Lindos

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Chares of Lindos ( ancient Greek Χάρης ( Genitive : Χάρητος) ὁ Λίνδιος ) was a Greek sculptor and ore caster from Lindos on Rhodes . He lived in the late 4th and early 3rd centuries BC. Chr.

He was a student of the sculptor Lysippus . He built 304–292 BC. The Colossus of Rhodes , the 30 m high statue of Helios , which was counted among the seven wonders of the world . Apart from this monumental work, only a colossal bronze head is known of other works by Chares, which was brought to Rome by Publius Cornelius Lentulus Sphinther during his consulate in 57 BC. Was consecrated on the Capitol .

According to the report of a Greek philosopher of the 2nd century AD, Sextus Empiricus , Chares is said not to have lived to see the completion of the Colossus of Rhodes: after he had informed the Rhodians of the price for the construction of the statue in response to their question she continued to ask how much a double-height statue would cost. Chares had asked twice the price for this, and both parties would have come to an agreement. Since this payment but not sufficed Chares have suicide committed. Only now would the craftsmen have noticed that not only the increase in height, but the entire increase in volume of the statue should have been taken into account, i.e. eight times the price would have been required. The sculptor and ore caster Laches from Lindos (Λάχης ὁ Λίνδιος) is said to have completed the colossus. On an oval, coin / medal-like representation from a book from 1878 you can see the colossus above the port entrance, surrounded by the Greek text: ▪ΧΑΡΗΣ▪ΧΑΡΗΣ▪ΚΑΙ▪ΛΑΧΗΣ▪ ΡΟΔΙΟΝ - Chares and Laches created [him] - Rhodes.



  1. Pliny the Elder , Naturalis historia 34:18.
  2. Strabo 14,2,5 (14,652); Pliny, Naturalis historia 34.18; u. a.
  3. Pliny the Elder, Naturalis historia 34:18.
  4. Sextus Empiricus, Adversus mathematicos 7, 106 f.
  5. James Elmes: A general and bibliographical dictionary of the fine arts . 1824, p. 212.
  6. The Colossus of Rhodes on an oval, coin-like representation with Greek text