Charles-Nicolas Favart

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Charles-Nicolas Joseph Justin Favart (born March 17, 1749 in Paris , † February 1, 1806 ) was a French actor and writer.

Favart was the son of the writer Charles-Simon Favart and his wife, the actress Marie Duronceray . Favart received his first artistic lessons from his parents. With their support he came to the Comédie-Italienne in 1779, after a few years with various theater companies, and stayed there until 1795.

After the French Revolution and the reign of terror , Favart did not return to the theater, but withdrew into private life.

The later diplomat Antoine Pierre Favart (1780-1867) was his son.

Roles (selection)

Works (selection)

  • Casimir et Virginie .
  • Compliment de clôture .
  • Compliment de rentrée . 1780.
  • Le deménagement d'Arlequin .
  • Le départ du seigneur .
  • Le diable boiteux .
  • Le dialogue des amants heureux .
  • La famille réunie .
  • L'heureux naufrage .
  • Le maison en loterie .
  • La mariage singular . 1787.
  • Le prix de sagesse .
  • La sagesse humaine . 1790.
  • Les trois folies . 1786.


  • Émile Campardon (Ed.): Les comédiens du roi de la troupe Italienne pendant les deux derniers siècles. Documents inédits recueillis aux archives nationales. 2 volumes. Berger-Levrault, Paris 1880 (Reproduction en fac-similé, 2 volumes in 1 volume. Slatkine, Geneva 1970).