Charles A. Quickmire

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Charles A. Quickmire (* in the 19th century ; † in the 20th century ) was an English football goalkeeper in Mexico in his spare time and a Protestant pastor in his main occupation .


Only a few years of his biography have survived. From this time it is known that he lived around the turn of the century (the years between 1901 and 1905 are documented) in the Mexican city of Pachuca de Soto , the capital of the state of Hidalgo . He is considered one of the founders and most important motors of the Pachuca Athletic Club; a club on whose legacy today's Pachuca Club de Fútbol refers, making it officially the oldest club in the Mexican Primera División . The Pachuca AC originated within the British community that worked for, or was otherwise closely associated with , the Real del Monte mining company . The Presbyterian Quickmire also moved within this community . Not only did he provide the community with religious services, but he also encouraged them to play football .

A former teammate named Hilario Lucio described his encounter with Quickmire in 1902 in 1936: "One evening Quickmire knocked on the door of our apartment because he needed to speak to me on an urgent matter." After Quickmire asked if Lucio spoke fine Oxford English could handle a leather ball just as well as he could handle the ball-like rags with which he usually kicked, he let the cat out of the bag. He wanted to take Lucio on a trip to Mexico City , where a championship game against the Reforma Athletic Club was on the program. At first, Lucio still believed in a joke by the pastor, who was known for his black humor . But when Quickmire threw a kit on his bed, young Hilario Lucio knew the Presbyterian was serious.

In order to present themselves just as finely as the upscale English society, which had come together in Reforma AC, the players from Pachuca traveled to the capital with the finest suits, to compete on the green lawn - albeit in sporty clothing. Because football in Mexico was initially played exclusively by the British, Quickmire had to make sure that Hilario Lucio passed as an Englishman. He therefore had him entered on the score sheet as Nigel Hatley and instructed him to only listen to that name in Mexico City. When Lucio replied that this was a lie and that the pastor himself had taught him that lying was a sin, the Presbyterian replied: “For this I give you absolution . Now your name is Nigel Hatley and you only answer if you are addressed by that name. ”Such was the pastor CA Quickmire, goalkeeper in the early years of Pachuca AC and Mexican champion in the 1904/05 season.


  • Juan Cid y Mulet: Libro de Oro del Fútbol Mexicano (B. Costa-Amic, Mexico City, 1960), p. 18
  • Eterno Retorno (Spanish; article from February 22, 2010)